Dialogue between patient Joanna Kaiser and Dr. Koroshetz from the Trans NIH call last week
Neglect : Dialogue between patient Joanna... - Ramsays Disease
Well done Johanna Kaiser!
It's about time all the relevant bodies across the world pulled their fingers out and stepped up to the plate with funding for ME research instead of playing the numbers game.
I can't for the life of me see what the problem is. As I commented on the article (if it gets accepted), why not stop putting the ME applications into the hat to be drawn like a lottery. Just make an exception for ME research and pass the applications that are up to snuff. Surely that is simple enough!
Very telling where the priorities are when told research funding should wait inline with all the other demands, "Johanna Kaiser: But NIH did this for AIDS" and that is funded at around $2500 per patient while ME is around $5 per patient. The actions speak louder than words of wilful neglect by government agencies globally.
Research funding must be bio medicine the psychosocial crowd have taken the vast majority of what little funding MRC send our way in Britain, its not only research funding its not wasting what we get on doing the same old and expecting that will appease the voices crying out against the injustice.
Listened and heard many of my own concerns over how much longer my body can go on like this given a voice in front of people who have the power that could change everything.
A sign at #millions missing "History will recall you did nothing at all"
Holding their feet to the fire.