What can we expect now ?
What Next: What can we expect now ? virology... - Ramsays Disease
What Next
Richard Horton's “Mr. Tuller–We have no such plans.” confirms a willingness for the present time to carry on taking reputational damage amongst the scientific community.
Remains interesting how long such a position can be maintained.
Rather begs the question of why have peer review if something this bad can go through endless rounds of peer review and be published.
Usually when challenged some new research paper is published in a blaze of publicity as a distraction from no answers apart from same old waffle.
This time papers and tv strangely quiet a phoney war that isn't acknowledged as happening when we all know something big is happening.
Fraud thats strong language.
My school never let me use the academic publishing equivalent of “the dog ate my homework.” and millions of pounds of tax payers money and sufferers lives were not involved in that case.
Getting a retraction even when evidence shows there should be no place for it within credible published science is no simple matter statnews.com/2016/02/03/pap...