Impact of the disease spread beyond the ones given a diagnosis.
Families Affected: Impact of the disease... - Ramsays Disease
Families Affected
Disappointed with the doctors seems common experience.
Including researchers from outside of the usual disciplines involved is the silver lining of this dark cloud that has taken twenty years of possibilities from a family.
Family relationships alter with time as roles and responsibilities change with the illness. Presenting problems in communication other relatives such as siblings, children,parents or friends may be so uncomfortable that they may deny the illness. They can feel overwhelmed and cut off at a time when they really need each other's support. If the strains are too great they might shut down, feeling hopeless, isolated, and trapped. Sometimes relatives hold back painful news, angry feelings, or resentments. This is toxic keep communicating the reality within a close support network it can be painful emotionally but brings a measure of control.
Brings up alternative therapies.
Family support and understanding of trying hard.
Pulls on heartstrings when its children.