EVERYONE says there should be more research occupycfs.com/ NIH see it otherways
CFSAC Go Fishing: EVERYONE says there should... - Ramsays Disease
CFSAC Go Fishing
Google says NIH (National Institutes of Health) RFA is Requests for Applications not research funding available saving some confusion about the fishing funding idea.
EVERYONE thinks more research should happen in the USA only charities and some researchers think that in the UK.
Have the impression that should the fish catch themselves a new criteria of catching fish would be drawn up but then I am very cynical.
Prof Ron Davis talks about his plans for research after being turned down by the NIH, basically because he wants to collect data before testing a hypothesis. He points out that although standard tests are normal, if you dig deeper there are many things wrong. Testing his severely ill son has revealed several hundred things 'out of whack' in his system he says, and some of the things are 16 standard deviations away from normal - that is a major problem.... He plans to thoroughly investigate a number of severely ill patients, (he had wanted to examine hundred of patients with an NIH grant), expecting that the abnormalities will show up much more clearly in very ill patients, although his testing will have to be non invasive so as not to make the patients more ill.
Lipkin protest bites meaction.net/2015/08/20/nih...
Anonymous saves project meaction.net/2015/08/28/omf...
NIH Grants 2015 cortjohnson.org/blog/2015/0...
Get into 21st century meaction.net/2015/08/17/lob... equality is everything.