Pattison Program? Anyone on this? - Cure Arthritis Co...

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Pattison Program? Anyone on this?

Robinr805 profile image
18 Replies

I've been reading and hearing so much about this. Curious to see if anyone on here has given it a whirl and has it helped???

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Robinr805 profile image
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18 Replies

Shaun94 has been able to lower his meds with the advice of his rheumy since being on the Paddison program. He has done a podcast with Clint Paddison. Very interesting to watch.

andyswarbs profile image

Yes, and highly recommended.

Mall profile image

None of the diets I have tried have helped my RA. I think a faulty gene and smoking when younger, topped off with a viral infection triggered mine not a leaky gut. I did however notice that my sinus's were clearer when I followed a clean diet. I wouldn't want to dissuade any one from trying any diet as I'm sure a clean diet works for some. The underlying causes and triggers of RA are still being researched including diet; research to date has shown that a history of smoking and genetics are significant factors.

My advice to any one considering a diet is give it a try, don't go to extreemes, have your health monitored and don't despair or feel a failure if it doesn't work. And be wary of any diet package which is wanting you to hand over your cash.

in reply to Mall

Smoking is a recognised trigger of RA and there are many more unknown triggers. Stress, our genes and diet allergies are being studied as triggers too. I believe extreme stress was my trigger but I would never suggest stress was everybodies trigger.

Diet never had any, effect on my auto immune diseases, but many people claim diet effects theirs. Maybe these people have food allergies? Who knows?

I never ment to suggest that a certain diet is a cure for all, it certaintly isn't for me.

Robinr805 profile image
Robinr805 in reply to

I believe stress is a key factor in mine as well. Thank you for the info!

andyswarbs profile image
andyswarbs in reply to Mall

My own opinion is that genetics give one a pre-disposition to RA, but that's the limit of genetic influence. Also "extremes" in diet is a funny term. I think it is extreme to eat meat, fish, dairy, gluten etc if you have RA because it flies in the face of an increasing body of solid evidence. (The PP program has been posted on this site, so no charge unless you want support. I opted to pay for that support to give something back to people who have elected to take that PP journey. Recovery using PP seems quick and relatively "easy" for some, whilst for others it is definitely harder, reaching the to the impossible stakes. saun94 is a great example of the latter, imo, whereas I would put myself in the easier/quicker camp, so I definitely doff my cap to the man.

That's not to say there are other formulas, for instance some people clearly find eating a low-carb meat-based diet works for them. When you have RA when you find something works, go with it. Explore all options because just sticking with the interminable pain is not an option.

Stick with the meds whilst RA is not under control, and think outside the box for solutions. I have found seeing chiropractor, WimHof breathing exercises and dare I say it - dowsing, all a very big help on my journey of heading towards remission/whatever from RA. When I saw my doctor two days ago I was literally able to run from the waiting room to see him. I now look forward to starting yoga which is definitely very much outside my comfort zone having been so stiff throughout my body for so long.

My journey's goal is to be as superhuman as I possibly can: that's because the alternative is RA (or some other illness) will come back to bite hard when I am not looking.

Luvtoread profile image

I have been on the Paddison Program for about six weeks. For me, it has helped. I have not reduced my meds (Methotrexate and Predinsone) yet, but I will ask the rheumatologist about it at my visit next month. I actually feel pretty good. I have occasional joint pain that is about a 1 out of 10.

I really did not want it to make a difference. I miss meat and dairy. However, since it is helping, I am sticking with it.

One of the things that convinced me to try the program is the 60 day money back guarantee.

robinplantstrong profile image

Do not recommend. There are not enough nutrients on the program, lost too much weight following it and became very sick. If you cut out all foods, except some grains and greens, you will feel better. This is not a long-term plan. They do not refund either.

Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to robinplantstrong


Sad to hear you’d a poor experience, robinplantstrong. 😔 🙏

Hope you’re feeling better now. 🙏🤞

If you’re comfortable detailing your experience, would you mind sharing specifics about what didn’t work for you? 🤔 I’d appreciate learning & better understanding shortfalls of the process. 😌 🙏


My understanding is, PP :

Is nutrient dense 🥗🍲 ( ) & sustainable long-term. (Myself & others are practicers for quite some time; even our rheumatologists 👩‍⚕️👨‍⚕️ are surprised & even encourage us to ‘keep doing what we’re doing because we’re doing well’ on the program. 👍👍 )

Does refund 💰: ". . . a refund during a period of 30 days 🗓 from the date of purchase . . . " ( )

Advises us to increase our volume 🍲🍲🍲🍛🍛🍛 of food intake (especially of our high-caloric ‘safe’ foods) if we lose too much weight or are underweight 💀 from the outset.


Don’t know if you were aware of any of this or if you’d been mistakenly advised otherwise? 🤔 (Either way, it’s a shame you’d not had this information to help along the way. 😔 )

There’s also ‘troubleshooting’ techniques as well. (I’d learned much of this from listening to the audio/ video 🎙 📹 podcasts , which are free 🆓 .) Don’t know if you’d had an opportunity to follow the podcast at all? 🤔


If it helps, there are HU forum members who’ve had good, long-term experience with PP & other processes. [Many have moved on & no longer (or rarely) participate in these forums.] Two other HU autoimmuners have discussed their experiences in detail on PP Podcasts in addition to posting on forums:

👱‍♂️ andyswarbs :

👱‍♂️ Shaun94:

[Have learned much from Andy & Shaun, as well as many other podcast guests & speakers. They’re invaluable ‘inspirations & educators’ (whether they’re aware of it or not ☺️ ).]


If you’re interested 🤔 in additional PP experiences (good, bad, indifferent . . . ), there are discussions at NRAS forum:


Again, sad to hear it didn’t suit you, robinplantstrong. 😔 Hope you find a process that works well for you & you’ll consider sharing it. [Think quite a few of us are continually interested in the various approaches & techniques — what works well & what doesn’t. We all, blessedly, continue to learn from each other.] 🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞

Wishing you a Happy 😊 Christmas 🎄surrounded by supportive, spirit-lifting loved ones. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👨‍👩‍👦‍👦


Bit of good cheer to hopefully bring you a smile ☺️ : , , , ,


🎄 🔖 🎁 🎅 ❄️ ☃️ 🌨



[Have placed this info at both of your post Replies:

‘Paddison Diet’:

‘Pattison Program? Anyone on this?’: ]


brcdeer1 profile image
brcdeer1 in reply to robinplantstrong

I agree. I have not tried the diet but I know of someone who has. She was already slender/nice size and has lost too much weight. She really looks sickly now. Not just real, real bad but I just believe she is missing something. As for the RA pain it has helped but still has pain.

Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to brcdeer1


See if this puts some of the ‘weight’ issues (as well as other concerns) into perspective, brcdeer1: (scroll toward bottom).

Inexperienced implementers need to be conscious of increasing their (‘safe’) food intake if they’re dropping weight they can’t afford to lose. 👍👍

With experience, we learn how to resolve issues as they arise. 😌 🙏


brcdeer1 profile image
brcdeer1 in reply to Kai--

Thank you. I’m going to review all the links. I am currently taking Minocin and almost pain free. Still have pain in fingers. But it’s so much better. It does work for some but apparently only a small portion of those diagnosed with RA. And I’ve not had any side effects. Still amazed.

Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to brcdeer1


Nice that Minocin (Minocycline/ antibiotic) works for you, brcdeer1, & your almost pain free without any side effects. 😌 Blessed relief to have pain subside. ☺️ Yes, it is *amazing* when we feel better. 🤗

If you don’t mind my asking, brcdeer1, are you prescribed or encouraged to take ‘probiotics’ alongside your Minocin during your course of antibiotic treatment? 🤔

[I ask because I’m trying to get a sense if medics are prescribing (or encouraging) patients to ingest probiotics (whether pill form or just in simple ‘food’ form) in conjunction with antibiotics — or merely taking antibiotics on their own (without any probiotic supplementation). Merely seeing/ observing if a trend/ pattern is emerging or merely a ‘1-off’.]

Thank you for any information you’re comfortable sharing. 🙏 😌

Best wishes, brcdeer1. 🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞


brcdeer1 profile image
brcdeer1 in reply to Kai--

No, actually the reverse. And I’m not advocating against probiotics, this was just what I was advised. I was taking probiotics on my own. My mother takes them and kept talking to me about taking so I finally did. It when it was time for my 3 year colonoscopy the gastro Dr. told me he had not seen any real benefits but a lot of hype. Basically he said to eat healthy and said yogurt to take with vitamins or antibiotics to reduce diarrhea. He said I could continue to take them if I wanted but I decided to stop them. I really haven’t had any side effects. I’m not saying I’m 100% pain free but I’ve come a long way. I would estimate 75% better. Hands/fingers still hurt but overall body is better. Hope that helps.

Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to brcdeer1


Thank you kindly for the info, brcdeer1. 🙏

Very, very interesting. 🤔 🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞


brcdeer1 profile image
brcdeer1 in reply to Kai--

I was also going to mention I was already taking a. PPI. Crestor. And Omega 3, COQ10.

robinplantstrong profile image

Yes the weight loss can be dangerous. I know another gal that ended up in the hospital after doing it. Elimination diets are a good plan, but his is not one of them.

Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to robinplantstrong


Legitimate concerns addressed above & here, robinplantstrong: (scroll toward bottom). 👍👍

Hoping you’ll have a chance to share points of Dr. McDougall's process that worked well for you. 😌 🙏


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