As per my previous posts. How often do peop... - Quit Support

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As per my previous posts. How often do people puff on their vapour cig. Or is it all down to cravings. Thanks to all Dave

Dalesebub profile image
8 Replies
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Dalesebub profile image
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8 Replies
monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Dave, hi ya pal, I'm Pete.

I dont know much about the e-cigs, BUT, I do know that you have got to quit the smokes pal, Sooooooooo, tomorrow, Monday 24th March 2014, is your quit date :)

Rite then pal, firstly, you have to get your mind into quitting moad :)

Secondly, be ready for when mr nic strikes :o :)

Thirdly, believe in yourself :)

Forthly, commit yourself and your brain to quit the smokes, cos you know that they are hurting you :o :)

Dave, it is hard to quit the smokes, BUT not impossible eh :) :)

Please please stay with the Girls, and quit tomorrow :) I am sure somebody will be on here in a minute or two to help you with the e-cig :) :)

ChrissieG profile image

Hi Dave

I've been practising with my e-cig for the last couple of days and I asked the same question as you. The trick is to not use it like a cigarette, as in you light a cigarette, take a dozen puffs or whatever then stub it out.

The best time to use the e-cig is to take a puff when you need it, as in when you are getting symptoms/cravings you can't ignore, and then take only a couple of puffs and wait. The nicotine enters the system very quickly so you start to feel better, when you feel the effect switch off the e-cig and carry on with whatever you were doing. If you need more puffs have them, but after a while I realised I was taking puffs like I was smoking a cigarette and I didn't actually need them.

This changes the habit of the way we smoke - eventually we will get to the point of saying no, I don't need a puff yet, I'll wait a little longer, and then also we will reduce the level of nicotine we are using to the point we get to zero - by which time we'll have forgotten the habit of smoking a cigarette anyway and we won't need the e-cig anymore either.

However we do it, it is better than smoking cigarettes so keep practising - it really will be worth it!

have a great day tomorrow and hopefully we'll catch up again soon

Chrissie :) xx

yellowsnowdrop profile image

I used my ECig fairly constantly for the first couple of weeks,I carried it and a,spare when I went out and had it on me at all times when I was at home.Maybe just my security blanket but it worked for me.I cut down after a couple of weeks and dropped my nicotine each month/ 5 weeks.I was nic and ECig free in 4 months. Use it as and when you need it,some days you'll just forget it's there others not so much.I smoked between 10-15 cigs a day for 39 years.Good Luck.

EmJay profile image

Hey Dave, you're doing well so far and remember that no matter how you feel, stopping smoking cigarettes will stop your disease from progressing. You really are doing the best thing here for your health.

A tip I have picked up from a number of e-cig users is to drink plenty of water.

I'm so proud of your attempt so far Dave, a real trouper ;-)

Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner

Hi Dave

I use my Ecig as and when I want to at the moment, i am just happy to be smoke free, but what i do, is not keep it at hand, so i have to get up and get it out the kitchen cupboard, but for the first week i was totally puffing like a lunatic on it :)

I worked my nicotine intake out on cigs vs ecig, and my tank holds 10 cigs worth of nic when full, and i used to smoke 20, now i dont get through a full tank in a day, so i have halved my nic intake already :)

I started on the 2.4 but now on the 1.8 like you. I am not planning to drop mine again just yet, my plan is to be nicotine free by christmas :) x

Hello Dave. Just wishing you all the best. Do try and keep off the cigs, I managed to after 40 years of smoking, and a year ago I stopped. It was hell at first, the cravings were awful, but I persevered and ate or had cup of tea when I felt the need for a cig, it wasn't much help, but I used to spoil myself with cream cakes etc., and then I got an Ecig which really helps. I still use it when I need to, but am trying to get off it. Don't use it as much as I did in the beginning. Stopping smoking has been one of the BEST things ive done in my life, have copd, but not too bad, and since stopping smoking I have felt soooooo much better, no chest infections (fingers crossed!), I feel quite well . Please do keep trying, it really is worth it. Ive not been near a nebuliser for over a year, and rarely need ventolin, but still use preventer every day. I wish you all the best. This is a lovely site with helpful friendly people.

By the way, yes, the advice to drink plenty of water when using Ecigs is good, because they can cause throat to get dry. etc.

Grenada1 profile image
Grenada117 Month Winner

It's not easy to get help here (I live in Grenada) for giving up smoking, sometimes they have patches sometimes they don't. I purchased an e-cig when I visited the UK last year but could not get used to it so continued smoking. After feeling really ill a few weeks ago I could not physically smoke and was then rushed into hospital. Today is my 31st day of being smoke free and I would just say to you Dave, I feel so much better, like Sheepdog said I too use a preventive once a day but so far I feel sooooooo much better than I did, hardly use Ventalin, walk up and down hills and have plenty of breathe. It's great. Life is great.

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