Hi guys, I’ve recently been told I have hyperinflated lungs with cardio vascular markings... at 30 I found it quit scary. I was coughing up mucus all the time and yesterday was the first day I went without a cigarette. I’m trying to change my habits, I’ve joined the gym and keeps snacks on me so when I need a fag I’ll have nibble instead. Is there any more advice on staying on track? Thanks simon
New member: Hi guys, I’ve recently been told I... - Quit4Life
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are you going cold turkey or are you using NRT?

Cold turkey
drink loads of water as it will help flush out any rubbish in your body and keep yourself busy. i am on NRT as i don't have the willpower for cold turkey, so all respect to you for doing so

I'm cold turkey too. Day 14 for me today. The first week you will totally question why ur doing it and u will think u miss it etc. Just eat haha. Honestly snacking works, I like grapes. Push through it, u will get there.
Yes Simon! I don't know you but I am so proud. I have been tobacco-free for almost 6 months now. I was really worried about my health and needed to change my life quickly. It's hard in my type of job where the majority of people smoke on their breaks, but it's about self-worth and self-motivation. I tried vaping for a couple of months, but I was smoking more and there's harmful ingredients in a lot of e-liquid. I switched to 'healthier' brands and definitely felt a difference, but ultimately I was still putting smoke in my lungs and adding damage to my body. I was just covering up the problems by using something else. I smoked for almost 10 years and couldn't runaway from smoking completely by going cold turkey. I needed the action of holding something and inhaling/exhaling smoke. I took away the nicotine and everything else harmful, but I couldn't give up the act of smoking. It was a complete nightmare for me as I couldn't see the end of the tunnel, despite how much I wanted to be smoke-free! I threw my vape away and decided to go cold turkey but relapsed at a friend's house after 2 hard weeks of work. I did tons of research and tried a couple of new methods on the market. I wasted about 250 pounds. One of the products I got was pretty useful for me. I tried an aromatherapy vapouriser for smokers, aimed at smokers looking to kick the habit type thing. I only had it when I had a really bad urge. It really helped me not to have a few puffs of tobacco or vape from someone else. I still have a couple left, but I try my best not to use it unless I really need to. It is a smoke-free device but I know I should only use it when I need it. The best things that have helped me are going to the gym and being accountable for bad habits (not blaming the addition and asking questions about myself). For urges, the aromatherapy vapouriser helped where vaping didn't. Not spending too much time around smokers or asking them to smoke outside/away from me has also helped. Just think about yourself!