my husband is having a PEG fitted tomorrow. The nurse has given us two options for feeding - either a pump that runs all day or bolus (?) feeds 4 or 5 times a day. We need to decide tomorrow. If anyone has any experience of PEG feeding could you tell me the pros and cons you found with the two methods . Thanks
PEG feed methods - pros and cons - PSP Association
PEG feed methods - pros and cons

Bolus worked better for the old bag ,as she could have as normal a life as possible. We could go out any time and easily toilet as needed. If we were out for a long time it is easy to keep fluids ,feeds and medication regime going People may stare but explain and still have a life.
Hi, I agree with Javan, bolus does allow you to live a normal life albeit with a new schedule and bag of feed and medication when you go out. It also allows you to adjust the feeding schedule to match your needs for that day.
You can always ask to change if you need to.
thank you for the helpful replies
I would say bolus is easier. We also have a pump as an option, but in the last several months, we've just done bolus. With the pump, the flow rate is about 85 - 95 ml per hour, with bolus we can do two 250 ml cartons of fiber source and some extra water with meds in 15-20 mins. If you have a choice, get a compact peg button (Mic-key). These are very low profile and make dressing and transferring far easier than if there is a tube hanging for several inches that you have to be careful of. We started with the hanging tube type and were able to swap to the compact and it's so much nicer to work with. There are some that glow in the dark, so that the port is easier to find in the dark for parents of children with pegs.
If you can get a pump as well, or do decide on just a pump, be sure to get a kangaroo backpack for it that allows you to do pump feeding on the go. The bag fits into a compartment and the pump controls are accessible with a flap on the outside.
BYW, The peg tubes will need to be changed out every several months, so if you can't get a Mic-Key initially, you will have time before the tube is shaped to do research and put in a request with the clinic. 👍
Karol had the pump which was over night when he was in bed it worked well for us 💜
Bolus has worked well for Mum.. the only downside to that option is, you need to stick to a feeding schedule -- it took a bit of adjusting, but we came up with a schedule that gave her 5 meals over 4 feeds. She has even managed to put on weight.
I would not agree to give my partner a PEG why are you prolonging you're loved through this terrible disease let them go
Bless you every one's journey is so different and hard the only thing we have in common is love