Hello, maybe there is someone who wants to share their experience with psp? What medicines did you take? What medications improved the patient's condition? What else supports the patient's condition?
It is very important to me.
Thank you in advance
Hello, maybe there is someone who wants to share their experience with psp? What medicines did you take? What medications improved the patient's condition? What else supports the patient's condition?
It is very important to me.
Thank you in advance
hello Gijan
I’m the wife of a person with PSP. I am told by doctors that there is no medicine that can stop the progress of PSP. Some people may be given anti depressants to help with anxiety or depression associated with PSP but that’s not actually making a difference to PSPs progress.
I saw a post recently suggesting certain herbal remedies helped ease symptoms but they don’t cure or stop progress.
Trying to stay active and having physio may help a bit too
I think unfortunately the medical help will come from drugs to ease other symptoms rather than preventing PSP progressing.
I agree with Sun-flowerwearer. As far as we know today there are only palliative treatments for PSP.
By internal chat I have sent you my offer to send you documents with our experiences during our trip accompanying PSP-RS.
Hug, luck and courage.
Thanks for the reply. I will try to join the internal chats. I don't know if I will pay..
How to get to the internal chat:
1) On the first line of this page the word "chat" appears.
"Click" the mouse on "chat".
2) A new screen will appear and on the right side the members of the HeathUnlocked chat who have sent you an internal message.
3) A small abstract will appear with my reference "Luis Rodicio Rodicio".
"Click" the mouse on my reference and the message I sent you will appear.
4) At the end of my message gives you the opportunity to answer it.
5) In my message you will find my email for PSP, which you can use so that I can send you without any charge, all the information I have.
Hug and luck.
Hi I suffer with PSP and like the others who have replied there isn't any medication available to for this wretched disease. I take meds for anxiety and also take medical marijuana which I think helps with calming me down.
Good luck