Hi friends just wanted to post something which I have observed.My mum has PSP and is slowly getting a bit more weaker. I am her daughter and only carer. It gets increasingly challenging and frustrating as days and weeks go by. But I love my mother so very much. When she gets anxious or distressed I also get anxious and distressed. But I have now learned that is not the way. I have always suffered with anxiety. But now I have realised I have to stay very very calm. When she is upset all she wants is love and care and simple touch. I hold her tight and let her rest her head on my shoulders and hold her hands softly. She gets so calm it's like she can feel when I'm anxious and can feel when I'm calm just like a baby can pick up these feelings from their mother. It's so endearing to see her like this just longing for some love and gentle touch. I wonder if this helps with your loved ones who are suffering from this disease. Even her swallowing gets a bit better when I'm completely relaxed. Just remember we all need love but especially our loved ones who are suffering from this awful disease. I just wanted to get this off my chest as no one who is going through this will understand.But I know all of you my friends will understand. 🌹
Love and tender touch is important. - PSP Association
Love and tender touch is important.

It is such a challenging journey for everyone. My husband passed away in 2020, but I do remember some days getting so caught up with taking care of him that I forgot to stop and simply just love him. You are doing a great job, and I hope you remember how calm and loved you made her feel in your arms when it is over.
Strength and courage, Alice
Hi Cinderella80!
Agree with Abrecheisen 53 and....take care of you!
Hug, courage and care of you.
Thank you for your lovely note. I too used lie quietly next to my mum and hold her hand, which was actually a great comfort to both of us. Love and touch are simple and powerful, but are easy to forget when you are so tired and exhausted. Xx
Thank you for the wonderful advice! All the best to you and your mom.
Touch is a very basic form of communication. A reflexologist who treated mum introduced me to the M-technique which uses very gentle movements. Mum finds it very calming and I tried it out on my teenagers who also liked it!
You can get a qualification to administer it but if you’re interested a Google search would provide enough info to give it a try.
I have PSP and my eyes are watering
Hi I'm so sorry that your eyes are watering they may be dry as my mums eyes also are constantly watering.You need some good eye drops which are preservative free. My mum has some and I have to put the drops in her eyes every 2hours. I hope this helps you. Sending ots of love to you. 🌹
good morning, Cinderella
My husband has CBD and his eyes water a lot. His hospice nurse recommended eye drops and they seem to help. Talk to your doctor and see what he/she says.
We all need a little tenderness, especially during the most challenging days.
'Not every day is good, but there is good in every day'. Your post will be my 'good' today.
Very true. I tell my loved one she is like having a baby again when it gets to a certain stage. They need us to be their rock as they go through the stages. So we just have started joking our way through it. Example when she has problem eating and it comes back out I'll say no thank you I'm not hungry or sharing is caring but I don't want to eat your food. Sence of humor has calmed her greatly. So glad you have found a solution to calm your Mum. Keep Up the good fight!! Best wishes to you and your
Ditto. We could all do with a little tenderness
Thank you for this reminder of what is really important.
Well done. You are doing such a great job looking after your mother.
Richard 🙂