In the middle of the night I heard Larry through the baby monitor making strange sounds. Got up and went into his bedroom. He seem to be having a “seizure” of some sort. Having read about these on this site I didn’t panic. It did pass on its own. Back to bed until 5. Asked him this morning if he remembered me coming into his room. No, his answer.
A Seizure?: In the middle of the night I... - PSP Association
A Seizure?
Dad had episodes more then once where he didn't remember it. If there doesn't appear to be any bodily harm being done I'd just monitor him and let it pass. If it doesn't appear that it will stop or he is in some kind of distress I'd call ambulance.
Yes. This site can be helpful that way! Glad Larry was okay.
Yes, this has happened to hubby too. I’d do the same thing that Ron mentioned. I just want to add that after a small seizure my husband’s body is quite sore afterwards. Larry might be in more pain than usual for a day or two. Does he have a massage coming up?
Good to know. We have a standing Monday massage now for him. Jessica works on his neck and shoulders which is the most painful part for him.
You are right forewarned is forearmed - though can still
Be quite scary.
Take care
Love to you both Tippy xxxx
Had I not know I would have been very concerned. Of course this happened at 12:30AM. Having read about the possibility and knowing it could pass I waited. He is fine as of now.
I am so sorry. My son's seizure came about 11:30am on his way to coming to the kitchen for lunch. The Hospice RN was there. My son was helped to bed and was "out" until about 7pm...when he came to. It was night so you will not know with Larry, but if it happens in the day...................
LosAngeles, CA, USA
Good to know. He went up to his bedroom at 1:30 PM to lay down. It’s two hours later and not a peep so far. I will give him another hour then wake him.
This site truly is a blessing full of knowledge preparing us for the unknown. Sending hugs to you & Larry... Granni B
Before I found this place I was adrift with no one to talk to about this disease. Doctors are useless. I have mini classes for them when they do their home visits here.

Boy Howdy! It was a lonely day when our Dr told me I knew more about PSP than he did. I was still unaware of either HealthUnlocked or SmartPatients so all I did was cry. I will never forget that feeling! Thank God I finally found the support I've gotten on here. Better late than never.
I looked up SmartPatients. Never heard of it until now. Learned something else here today. Thank you.

My GP , after confessing he had never heard of it, always treated me as a respectable colleague as we agreed on the best approach. I prefer that to those who pretend they know and then immediately show their ignorance.
It is lonely without this support.
This morning was especially trying as I think Larry is sliding into dementia. He had some idea in his head. Trying to communicate it the pivotal word was unintelligible. Then he wanted to write it down. Told him he no longer could write. Insisted he could. Gave him paper and a pen. He couldn’t find the paper to write on it. Finding it he made marks on it. Held it up for him to see it was illegible. Lots of screaming on both our parts. An hour later like nothing happened. Onward.

It gets tiring playing Charades all of the time doesn’t it. Larry is probably feeling afraid and I bet that you must be too. I’m so sorry.
I am sure he is scared. He has not fully admitted what is going on. Yesterday he said he wished he would get well soon. Had to tell him he wasn’t going to get well again.
It is a scary journey with all the unknowns waiting to pop up.

I just remind my husband of all of the things that he can still do, not what he cannot. I don’t know how I will handle things as they deteriorate like your Larry. I think we’re all scared as caregivers but I can’t imagine what goes on inside the minds of the patients.
My husband has asked similar questions about life expectancy, etc. I tell him there’s no cure and then I repeat back what he says to me. The feedback technique helps them to know that we understand what they are saying. I will reply something like “I wish that you could get well too”. I hope this makes sense.
It makes sense. I am hoping this is yet another phase that will pass.

I remember Chris insisting on writing a letter to our friend. It was just scribble but he was quite satisfied. I tried to avoid getting him to face reality as it seemed cruel in the end.
However the blessing is they forget even whilst we are feeling a bit frazzled !
The fact the he forgets about the bickering helps. He doesn’t hang on to an idea too long. I don’t either but when the next one shows up I feel like I am at the beginning one more time.
Excellent! I did the same when mom was in the nursing home (& at that time l did not know very much).
Glad Larry was ok afterwards. xxx
So am I. Things have been subtly changing yet again. For him to stay in hospice after the 6 month initial period he has to show decline. I don’t think this is going to be a problem. I will report this to his doctor and hospice nurse this week when I see them.