He just told me that he feels like he died and went to heaven. I absolutely freaked out. WTH did that come from and why? He is now in bed going to sleep. I am petrified. Pic was taken on June 8th, his birthday. I can see the change in his eyes.
DON'T KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON: He just told me... - PSP Association

Well first of all, what a great picture! You are a very beautiful couple!
I don't know about the other thing. Do any of his meds cause euphoric feelings?
I know what you mean about the eyes. I can tell how different my husband looks too just within the last two months.

TY for your kind words jmhk. That's abut the same time frame for Don. This is the first time he has said anything like that. Well to end my day, one of my dogs just had a seizure. I think I should go to bed to see what tomorrow brings. Sleep well, fingers crossed.
I agree with jmhk, Are there any euphoric drugs. and ask him what he means....Maybe he is just euphoric memory about something else....you know a something good to eat, remembering his dream last night......responses become harder and harder but may not be perilous...just a response I've died and gone to heaven after eating that ice cream or listening to Ella Fitzgerald or Ava Maria... just delayed enough to seem as if trhere were no reason for it....B is saying idk more and more when I know he knows...ask him anything about the Bible....and he knows ad infinitem (sp)he just can't find the words anymore!
Get some rest if youre not already
ps sorry about dog is this common?
abirke, First poodle I have ever had who had seizures, very upsetting but since he doesn't have them weekly or every night, fingers crossed along with toes, he is going to be taken care of by me. I did ask D what he meant and he said nothing, he just wanted to go to bed and go to sleep. He was watching TV, one of those movies he loves and knows I won't watch. He also usually says I don't remember about either something he just said or what he ate for his most current meal. Long term memory is still there, short term, in the la toilet
has he repeated it does he seem strangely elated....sleep walking...?I asked B if he has ever felt euphoria...."Well I have felt euphoric"...probably at grateful dead shows if you know what i mean....but I think we say and feel things in a temporary manner and go on....though I must admit kind of freaky that he felt euphoria within the same time as your dog siezed....Im sorry baby didnt mean to say anything too wierd its all just life happening .....
What a lovely photo. I wouldn't worry too much about the dream, feeling, whatever it was. I'd be more worried if he had gone to the other place! 10 years ago I was in hospital for 8 days with severe undiagnosed pain. I had similar feelings and think it was because I was in so much pain I thought I was going to die, in fact I was in so much pain, I wanted to. Our loved ones probably think about it as well and our brain works in a mysterious way.
I hope your day is good.
Thank you NannaB for the compliment. He doesn't look 78. Pain really knocks you out. I try so hard not to take anymore meds and so does D, since his shoulder is very bad. Me, my back, legs very weak, rob from back, hips, tummy, right shoulder. Think I am falling apart. Waiting to give D lunch and his afternoon pill and then nap time for me. He slept most of the morning as usual.
I don't always wait for an afternoon nap. If Colin is asleep in the morning, I'll nap then. Even half an hour makes me feel better. Sorry you are falling apart. I hope something can be found to make you feel better.
Take care.
It is not uncommon for people with PSP to experience VERY vivid dreams.
My Mum was convinced she'd just had a baby - she was in her late 70's at the time.
She woke my Dad screaming at him not to roll on the baby
Didn't know that Kathy but he was not sleeping. Just came out of his mouth and scared me to death. Funny, how our minds work. I have very vivid dreams which I can remember. Just a few nights ago I dreamt I was getting married giving everyone orders on where to stand and so on. Typical A personality that is me. I was marrying one of the actors on a very popular TV show, think it was friends. Weird. I know my hubby for 60 years
Don't worry. My husband has very vivid dreams. As long as he isn't upset just let it go. I find C. gets agitated if I try to understand things as he really just doesn't know himself. He will struggle to his feet and then stand there not knowing why.
Lovely photo.
Jean x
Handsome guy. If he feels he saw heaven let him have those thoughts. Anything that gives him comfort should be encouraged. IMHO Jimbo
I'm with Jimbo, especially if your husband has had a thought that gives him something to look forward to. We know that PSP affects the short term memory but I wonder if it reduces or stops the ability to look ahead?