Anyone else have occasional gross hematuria from radiation?
radiation : Anyone else have occasional... - Prostate Cancer A...
Yes. I still have occasional blood in urine or semen 11 years after SBRT. It's caused by scar tissue sloughing off. Nothing to worry about. It always goes away on its own.
Yes. I’ve had it two or three times. Disturbing at first but it stopped. I also stopped taking turmeric, which thins the blood, and which I suspected exacerbated the situation on top of the aspirin I take nightly.
Diagnosed in 2018 and had a prostatectomy in May 2018. First (of 4) Lupron shots in July 2018. Radiation treatment in September and October 2018. Last Lupron shot in May 2019. 2 years later, I experienced bouts of gross hematuria (blood and clots in the urine) from May 2021 to July 2021. It's quite a shock to see dark crimson urine with globs of clots in it. Each time I drank a lot of water until my urine was clear. Lasts half a day or so and then goes away. It came back three more times over those two months. Hopefully, it won't visit again.
Thanks for your response. My gross (literally) hematuria has been an issue for two weeks straight as of today. Hoping it goes away soon…
You should probably see your urologist just the same. I did. He did a cystoscopy and found nothing unusual inside my bladder. It’s been five months now and haven’t had an episode of gross hematuria since, but i still expect the worse every time i urinate!