Since taking abiraterone in November 2023, I have experienced a significant rise in my nightly dreams. Has anyone else had these same experiences?
Dreams: Since taking abiraterone in... - Prostate Cancer N...

I certainly did. Posted about it a while back. My dreams were super vivid and I would start dreaming at the drop of a hat, even during naps. It got to the point where I almost dreaded going to sleep because the dreams were so frequent and vivid. When I posted, I recall getting a mixed reaction so it might be a lesser side effect that only affects exceptional people. 😎
Although I am not on Abiraterone I am on Lupron and yes my nights are filled with the craziest dreams, some of which are just complete nonsense.
Some are so bizarre they would make the most amazing Sci-Fi or Horror stories. Perhaps I should write them down and see if Disney-Plus are interested. Cheezy Grin!
Its possible you are waking up right after rem sleep more. Therefore you remember your dreams more. YOu can get a fitbit or other device to wear that monitors your sleep cycles. They can give you a % of the type of sleep you experience and ou can see if its increasing. ADT certainly disturbs sleep cycles.
I have noticed the same thing on Erleada. It may simply be that I wake up a lot more frequently and have had few good night sleeps since I started combo therapy.
My MO suggested to add Melatonin to improve the quality of my sleep. That's when my dreams started. Like going to the movies or an e ticket ride. Totally amazed at how my brain is putting these dreams together.