Hi All,
I am about ten weeks post SRBT at MSKCC. My last treatment was Dec 22. Since then I've settled into a not painful, but annoying set of symptoms based around occasional urgency to urinate on short notice, mild burning toward the end of urination, feeling of the need to urinate after I already did, not feeling like I've completed urination...etc. I have been taking Alfuzosin 10 mg since January 1, and although I know it helps I still feel far from normal. I am able to achieve erections and orgasm although the latter is uncomfortable as well.
So my question to those who are farther down the road than I: How long does it take until you feel back to normal? Do you ever really get back to normal? Should I expect that a full recovery (whatever that may be) could take six months or more? Just trying to get a handle on the timeline. Thanks so much in advance.