I completed a study at UNMC in Omaha, that was looking at 5 doses of SBRT v. 28 treatments. I was randomized to the 5 dose group (which I actually wanted.) As part of the study a Space-OAR was injected to surround and lift the prostate. Immediately upon application of the Space-OAR, I had a strong urge to have a BM but there was no movement. After treatment I was fine for a few weeks but then the "pressure" started again. Movements are very small and undefined, sometimes only a mucous type of material. I do have greater movements where I expel more volume but mostly these small movements most of the day and night. I do have another appointment in a few weeks, but I'm curious to see if anyone else has had this experience. Thanks and good health to you.
Anyone have problems with Space-OAR - Prostate Cancer N...
Anyone have problems with Space-OAR

The urge to defecate is not from the SpaceOAR, it is called "tenesmus" and it is because your bowels are irritated from the radiation. The worst thing you can do is strain - that can rupture blood vessels. Just keep in mind that the urge is a misinterpretation by your brain and it will disappear eventually.
Had proton therapy with spaceoar. Pretty much a similar experience. 6 months out now and everything back to normal.
I had 5 weeks (20 fractions) of proton therapy and no SpaceOAR. Starting about week 3 I had the same bowel symptoms. They persisted until 4 weeks after treatment ended. I had a bit of recurrence of symptoms last week - that was 3 months after PBT ended. RO prescribed hydrocortisone suppositories and all is good now.
5 SBRT and space oar for me and no complications. My six months on Androgen Therapy is not fun, but nearing completion of that.My understanding is 5 SBRT treatment for healthy males is not near as profitable for the hospital, but very minimal additional risk to the patient.
My RO(who was impressive), Aurielle Garant at UTSW in Dallas stated she won’t go above 20 SBRT treatments on any patient.
I'm two plus months out since the SpaceOar placement and not having any problems. I had some mild discomfort when it was first placed but nothing since. I finished five doses of SBRT three weeks ago, and have found Metamucil/Konsyl twice daily has been a big help in minimizing bowel irritation.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Tuesday 12/07/2021 7:17 PM EST - Day of infamy.
I had the SpaceOar procedure performed in the UK prior to PCa treatment and can honestly say that I had and have not had any issues. 24 months on Bowel movements and regularity are great.