A possible foot fungus (40+years) con... - Prostate Cancer N...

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A possible foot fungus (40+years) connection to prostate cancer

sm60 profile image
42 Replies

Anyone heard of this? I had a severe case when I was just 14, and has never fully gone away. It breaks out here and there...fingers, crotch...but what about within the prostate? Thanks!

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sm60 profile image
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42 Replies
jimreilly profile image

never heard of this -- did you see an article somewhere or something else that made you wonder about it?

sm60 profile image
sm60 in reply to jimreilly

My understanding is MANY cancers have fungal origins--and that fungi are the area of causation that Western medicine has the least ability/knowledge/interest in addressing.

sm60 profile image
sm60 in reply to sm60

I had a PSA of 20.3 two months ago, started a daily protocol of keto, resveratrol, 50K IU Vitamin D, 22 drops of 2% Lugol's in water and brought it down to 18.6 three weeks later to the surprise of of my GP. Finally got an appointment to see an urologist last week, and am getting another PSA test on Friday.

Adding Fenben next week (with DMSO solvent and Budwig diet mixture for bioavailability,) regardless of the new PSA result, for nine weeks (3 days on, 4 off.)

I've got enough Fenben coming for the 9-week course and will get a 4th PSA after that...all before submitting to a biopsy, as the urologist is hard selling...and is clearly all fired up to declare cancer and get me radiated.

I'm so naughty.

Will report results.

cesces profile image
cesces in reply to sm60

Seems like some awfully risky behavior in my personal opinion.

sm60 profile image
sm60 in reply to cesces

Thanks, Dr. Pharma Rockefeller.

cesanon profile image
cesanon in reply to sm60

"Thanks, Dr. Pharma Rockefeller."

Please explain.

Thank you

sm60 profile image
sm60 in reply to cesanon

LOL...If you're going to troll under various usernames, try using ones that don't start with the same three letters.

cesces profile image
cesces in reply to sm60

Why all the personal hostility?

"Thanks, Dr. Pharma Rockefeller."

Please explain.

Thank you

sm60 profile image
sm60 in reply to cesces

Please find a thread that gives you the type of replies you want. You are not welcome on this thread, and your views are not appreciated or wanted. Bye.

cesces profile image
cesces in reply to sm60

These are public threads upon which people rely for information to make healthcare decisions.

You don't get to post eccentric theories without being subject to the challenge of justifying and supporting them.


So please explain the justification for what you are promoting please.

Thank you

cesces profile image
cesces in reply to sm60

"I had a PSA of 20.3 two months ago"

"the urologist... is clearly all fired up to declare cancer"

If it's not cancer, what do you hypothesize the cause to be? Poor diet? Improper supplementation?

There are many reasons why psa can fluctuate.

It's very dangerous to treat cancer with supplements. It's even more dangerous to encourage others to do so.

Unverifiable assertions of facts by unidentified strangers over the internet are notoriously unreliable.

This is especially true when they are attempting to espouse views in support of a particular belief system.

sm60 profile image
sm60 in reply to sm60

I don't respond to obvious Big Pharma trolling. Is there anyone else with something important on fungal causation?

cesces profile image

What causes you to draw the connection?

sm60 profile image

I stand by my assertion that Western (Rockefeller) Medicine and Big Pharma do NOT want to talk about fungal causation.

PCInPA profile image

Your PSA will fluctuate if you ride a bike, have sexual activity, etc. Making the association that you took some snake oil and it went down is setting yourself up for some significant consequences down the road. I've had people tell me cancer is caused by eating hot dogs, by 5G radiation, by space lasers, and other nutty conspiracy theories. ANother person gave me a crystal and said that it will heal cancer if I place it on my body. Just because someone said it does not make it true.

The options for treating cancer are all far from ideal. But sometimes you just need to man up and do what you need to. I am no longer pursuing options like FLA or Tulsa because the science and facts do not demonstrate the efficacy no matter how much I would like to use anecdotal evidence to convince myself otherwise. I am certainly not going to entertain magic berries or disregard science as a liberal big-pharma conspiracy when my life is at stake.

If you want to call people trolls who believe in science and are taking cancer seriously, I suggest there may be more appropriate forums for you on a Q'Anon medical site somewhere.

sm60 profile image
sm60 in reply to PCInPA

William Avery Rockefeller was THE original snake oil salesman. Look it up.

Big Pharma and many un-necessary, invasive surgery milieus are largely a result of his progeny's control of public "medicine" here in these once great united States, since at least the 1950s.

Doesn't anyone want to talk about fungal causation of cancer?

If you don't want to talk about that, please find other threads to post YOUR WORLD VIEWS on...or, is only one view tolerated here??

Just last night at the local brew pub I heard it was barley grass that worked wonders. The only fungus Inhave ever had is the kind that gives you the mottled look when you get a tan. I forget what it’s called but it never really goes away and I gave up trying to get rid of it

sm60 profile image
sm60 in reply to

Thanks for replying. Yes, I've heard very good things about barley grass powder, and am doing that also. I am not sure what that fungus is to which you refer, but good luck and God bless!

in reply to sm60

Versicolor something

sm60 profile image
sm60 in reply to


in reply to sm60

Thats the name of the fungus. Tinea versicolor i think

sm60 profile image
sm60 in reply to

Oh...ok. Thanks.

TeamKenGlenn profile image

Could there be a connection to fungal issues and cancer? These last few years out of about 70, I've been treated for stage 4 PC; hormone therapy, radiation; 30 treatments. I've noticed much more fungus than ever before; between the toes and toenail surfaces, and crotch. I've never had this much fungus in these areas and seem to recall the beginning of this was much before being diagnosed and treated for PC. I've been controlling? it with 3% H2O2 spray or anti-fungal powders, but can't eliminate it.

sm60 profile image
sm60 in reply to TeamKenGlenn

I don't think Western medicine has any real answers for fungal causation, and I'm not even sure they want to have any. Cancer is SOOOOO profitable for them, and the "vaccine/covid" propaganda only serves to strengthen my belief that the medical establishment has morphed into a culling machine for the twisted, Satanic, Gaia-worshiping, Malthusian global elites.

My voyage with fungus began at the age of 13 in the communal shower at boarding school when I got a case of foot fungus that was so bad for awhile that I needed crutches. I'm 60 now, and it's been in my right big toenail (and elsewhere-- breaking out sometimes on my soles, and sometimes crotch and fingers) ever since. I believe it is also in my prostate, but of course my urologist didn't even really respond when I told him that only..."You need a biopsy followed by radiation." He wouldn't even let me get a free PSA in advance of his planned biopsy, so that I could confirm FOR MYSELF the likelihood (or not) that I actually have cancer.

I'm going to try to get that free PSA beforehand anyway... Scheduled for biopsy early June, and may cancel...

God bless and keep you, my new friend. Thanks for the reply.

redonthehead profile image

I've had tinea versicolor on and off for 40 years. Did it cause my prostate cancer? I doubt it, but lets say it did. It would be HUGE leap to believe treating me for fungus is going to cure my prostate cancer, even if the fungus caused it to begin with. With a PSA of 20.3, you may have high risk cancer. Good luck.

sm60 profile image
sm60 in reply to redonthehead

...and I may have nothing more than a fungus-triggered infestation of the prostate. Your assumption and conjecture is no better (or worse) than mine. Thanks for commenting, though.

fluffyfur profile image

The question is why did you let your fungus fester all these years and not rid yourself of it, thus causing your prostate cancer?

sm60 profile image
sm60 in reply to fluffyfur

Tried whatever my GP suggested, but it always attacked my liver and so had to quit. I preferred discolored toenails to death. Again, fungal infections are behind A LOT MORE of our diseases than doctors care to admit, because they either don’t know how (or are financially incentivized not) to treat it.

sm60 profile image

Got a 16.2 PSA (down from 18.6 a month before that, and 20.3 ten weeks ago) last Friday. Started Fenben protocol (as described above) Monday, and will see if that boosts the downward trend, has no effect, or reverses it. Next PSA end of July. Will report back.

sm60 profile image

I'm approaching the end of my second week of Fenben, and have also added liquid aloe and daily dandelion tea. Feeling a lot better, and for the first time in almost 50 years my big toe toenail is looking like it might actually be clearing up!

I've postponed my biopsy to 7/27 and if I get another dramatic reduction in PSA levels in mid-July I will postpone again.

sm60 profile image

Here's an article from the establishment of all Western medical establishments (Hopkins) admitting a drug for toenail fungus helps with PC. Hmmm.....

(P.S. Johns Hopkins was always the Rockefellers' first and finest flagship/toehold institution used in taking over control of "healthcare" in the USA.)

Paul39 profile image
Paul39 in reply to sm60

Interesting. My father had a type fungus all over both hands for years. Good luck!

sm60 profile image
sm60 in reply to Paul39

Thanks, Paul. But, did he have any prostate issues?

sm60 profile image

Quick update... After three weeks of the fenbendazole regimen, my toenails look a lot better, but I am itchy all over. Don't think it's an allergic reaction, and I have no liver pain. Wish I could get self-tested on my liver enzymes, but will continue the fenben this week and then re-assess. Urinary symptoms continue to slightly improve, and I feel great.

Added daily dandelion root tea (right from my property) three weeks ago, which also may be helping.

sm60 profile image

Update...My foot fungus was finally clearing up from the Fenben, but I started getting a twinge in my liver and stopped Fenben a week ago Monday. Same thing happened years ago when (I think) terbinafine (or something) prescribed by my GP did the same thing.

Just got my liver enzymes which were: AST 38, ALT 62 before my 14 days (total over three weeks) of Fenben, and are now: AST 99, ALT 235.

Hope I did no permanent damage.

I screwed up and not knowing it, I worked the hardest day of physical labor I'd done in years the day before my latest PSA, which also just came back, and that was up slightly on Tuesday to 17.4, but I don't believe that number is legit because I didn't know hard work can give triple positive numbers. I'll check that again in July.

sm60 profile image

I'm going to insist that my GP get me a fungus panel done to find out if it's C. Albicans (or what) that may be causing my prostate and urinary issues. Gotta be done pussy footing around with my foot fungus, and rule that out as a mimicking cause of my "cancer-is-likely" current diagnosis and before letting my urologist (who WILL NOT EVEN DISCUSS POSSIBLE FUNGAL CAUSATION WITH ME) get me onto his slice-and-fry protocol to which he wants me to submit.

Some doctors (not homeopaths) also think fungus can and does cause cancer.

21global21 profile image
21global21 in reply to sm60

I am taking Fenben now for 6 months and had my chemistry checked including liver and all was exceptionally good. My PSA did not budge much during this time.

sm60 profile image
sm60 in reply to 21global21

Thanks for replying. Very interesting. Why are you still taking it if it is not improving your PSA, though?

21global21 profile image
21global21 in reply to sm60

Still taking Fenben because I am slightly increasing the frequency from 3 days on, 4 days off to 4 days on, 3days off. Read too many good results for some cancer patients to not try and its real cheap. These controled experiments take time. You make an interesting observation between toe fungus and prostate cancer. My toe nails are in bad shape and have been for a long time. My big toes hardly have any root left under.

sm60 profile image
sm60 in reply to 21global21

Thanks. I appreciate the feedback. My latest liver enzymes are back to within a hair of normal ranges, and I may very well start up with the Fenben again on Monday--3 on 4 off, just for a week or two, or until the tweaking feeling at my liver location starts up again. God bless and GOOD LUCK!

sm60 profile image

Also...My last PSA taken this past Monday was 16.0...which is the lowest yet, but not the velocity of descent to which I was used to expect.

21global21 profile image
21global21 in reply to sm60

Try to be consistant when you do a protocol. I will have my PSA checked in about another month after 7 months religiously on the Fenbendazole. Will let you know the results. Note: I can do this because I am on Active Surveillance with a Gleason 6.

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