Everything Prostate Cancer Patients Need To Know about Cyberknife Robotic, Precision Radiation Treatment . Cyberknife has improved prostate cancer treatment as dynamically as robotic surgery . But, Cyberknife is not for everyone. See if it's right for you. Seth Blacksburg, MD and Darryl Mitteldorf, LCSW, explain.
1. How does radiation therapy actually work? 00:44
2. Does radiation therapy cause second cancers? 06:28
3. Should I worry about CAT scans? 15:00
4. What's the difference between Radiation Oncologist, Radiologist and other Oncologists?15:53
5. What's new and great in radiation therapy? 17:22
6. What is Cyberknife? 18:23
7. How does Cyberknife work? 27:00
8. Are there special considerations for African American, who die from prostate cancer at a rate 2.4 higher than that for Caucasian men? 32:21
9. How much radiation will Cyberknife give me, compared to other types of radiation treatments? 34:25
10. How many times do I have to be treated by Cyberknife? 39:50
11. How do you know that Cyberknife killed all my cancer? 42:32
12. Will Cyberknife treatment change the length of my penis? 47:21
13. How does radiation therapy cause erectile dysfunction? 48:00
14. Should I sperm bank before radiation therapy? 50:30
15. Will I be incontinent after radiation therapy? 51:24
16. How long does each Cyberknife session take? 52:40
17. What can I do if Cyberknife doesn't kill all of my prostate cancer? 54:40
18. Can Cyberknife reduce pain from a distant bone metastasis? 57:14