Treatment for Macular Degeneration

175 enrolled

Research for dry AMD

Researchers are looking at different ways to find a treatment for dry AMD as it is a complex disease, still not fully understood.

A popular approach is to look for drugs which will reduce the inflammation in the eye cells which causes damage and leads to sight loss.

Another approach is to try and keep the photoreceptors alive for longer. Both approaches would slow the progress of the disease.

Brimonidine, APL-2 and Zimura

These promising new drugs may lead to treatments for dry AMD.

Brimonidine would be an implant in the eye that gradually releases the drug.

APL-2 and Zimura would be eye injections. All are currently in Phase 3 clinical trials, which is the last stage of testing. If they show the drug is safe and effective, the companies will seek a licence to give it to patients.

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