I was wondering if it was only just me or does it happen to anybody else?! After sex I get contractions for 2hours straight my belly goes all tight and it feels so uncomfortable as well.
Contractions after sex: I was wondering... - Pregnancy and Par...
Contractions after sex

How far gone are you?
I'm 34 weeks x
When you say contractions is the pain around your lower abdomen or more towards the vaginal area?
I think if the pain feels more like its around the abdomen area i would probably stop having sex at least until a few weeks after the baby is born.
& its not long to go now at 34+ wks

Yes its around my lower abdomen area I get the tightening!
Are they painful or just a tightening of your tummy? It may be braxton hicks if it is just tightening. Or your baby might think what the hell is going on out there being jiggled around so much
Contractions feel like period type stitch pains across your tummy and I had a dull aching sensation in my back which got worse the further onto labour I went.
Yes they are painful very uncomortable at times! I'm sure they are braxton hicks! Oh no you poor thing! How old is you baby?
What to Expect When You're Expecting has this to say on the matter (page 256):
"Although the uterus does contract following orgasm--and these contractions can be quite powerful in some women, lasting as long as half an hour after intercourse--such contractions are not a sign of labour and aren't harmful in a normal pregnancy. Again, if there's a reason why you should avoid orgasm while you're expecting (because you're at high risk for miscarriage or preterm labour or have a placenta problem, for instance), your practitioner will let you know."
So, if at 34 weeks you're still in the mood, you're a hero among women and should continue going for (at) it
I get this in my back and tummy, Bracton Hicks, after sex. I think it's fairly common. I'm 38+4 and decided not to have sex anymore while pregnant because it made me anxious! But then my baby is transverse, so going into labour would mean an emergency section, so to avoid that anxiety we're avoiding sex but if you don't have any issues like that and the Braxton Hicks aren't making you anxious or painful, go for it!
I'm currently 33+3 and this started happening to me when I was around 30 weeks. It lasted hours and was quite painful. Nasty period like pains, my tummy was rock hard and achy and it all seemed to radiate through to my lower back as we'll. It freaked me out loads!
I asked my midwife at my 31 week appointment and she said it was normal, that it has something to do with a protein in sperm which reacts with your cervix and can help to set off labour in women further along. She said as long as I enjoyed sex I should still go for it.
But we decided to be safe and for my comfort, that my partner pulls out before he finishes or we use a condom. And that seems to have done the trick for us.
All the best x
I used to get it when I was about 20weeks, and would last up to an hour sometimes but I don't get it anymore well I didn't at 28weeks which was the last time I had sex I'm now 37 weeks x
Wow that's a long time! Was that your choice?