My wee one was breech and probably had been since 29 weeks, as a growth scan then showed that. A private 4D scan showed she was still breech, so the midwife sent me for a scan at 37 weeks to check if she had turned (since she couldn't tell whether it was a head or a bum under my rib!) and she was still breech!
I ended up going to an External Cephalic Version the next day, at 37+2, which was the most painful experience of my life. I know some people find it is not painful and some people find it worse than childbirth. I was one of the unlucky ones! Plus the drug they administered to relax the womb did not agree with me. It made me shake and feel really weird. They tried to turn her twice, but only managed to turn her slightly and so now she is transverse!
I wondered if anyone has any experience of having a transverse baby at term. I'm now 37+4. The way she is lying is super uncomfortable and I am super paranoid in case I go into labour- as I am told it is very dangerous and that if I notice any signs of labour I need to go in for an emergency section (I am booked for an elective section on the 18th of April, when I will be 39+2), which is a bit scary!
I am nervous about the section-and disappointed it is unlikely that I will have a vaginal birth, unless she decides to move in the next twelve days, which I reckon is unlikely since she has probably been lying across me for two months.
Does anyone have experience of these things? Any tips or advice?