So went for a scan 34 weeks 5 days. Baby is frank breech and estimated weight is 6lb7 currently, and they doubt she will return back to head down so a planned section will be done at 39 weeks. Anyone else had this? If so were the baby’s legs bent upwards?
Frank breech baby! : So went for a scan... - Pregnancy and Par...
Frank breech baby!
My babys breech at 32 weeks got another scan at 36 weeks. Are they not going to try and turn baby?
She’s measuring as a really big baby and they don’t want to risk moving her as her head is well above average and they’re not sure she will fit in the birth canal to be head down.
Oh ok Is their any reason for baby being big as I have gestional diabetes which may cause a big babyx
No reason at all, I’ve been checked for diabetes and result came back I didn’t have that. Drs can’t give me any reasoning behind it.
Oh bless hope c section goes well had an emergency one 14 years ago and am unsure if to have a planned one this time
Thanks. I was well against a c section but think I’d rather have a planned one now and not take any risks.
I would ask them to try and move baby, when my sister was pregnant 2 years ago they said her baby was measuring really big and his head was really big. But he came out perfectly average, smaller than her first child.
My dr has told me it’s too risky to turn her and they wouldn’t even consider it.
I'm sorry to hear that. Personally I would seek a second opinion ECV is perfectly safe, even at 36 weeks and you were less than 35 weeks at that scan and it's 50% effective. I understand they say the baby is too big, but that could be completely wrong, like in my sisters situation. If you trust your doctor, then good luck with the C-section, I hope all goes well!
My friend was born naturally bottom first- this was back in the 70s before they had ultrasounds to find this stuff out in advance. I don’t think her mum would recommend it so thank goodness for ultrasounds eh?! Good luck with your c-section x
My baby girl was breach and was booked in for c-section early August- they seemed adement sge wouldn’t turn before due date. Lots of people told me she would as they knew babies which had etc. personally I’m happy to go with consultant advice as they know what’s best for you, your pregnancy etc, and having a section was not a big deal for me - I just wanted a healthy baby. Long story short labour started week before section date so she arrived by section on 30 July. Like you I had assumed having a section date would mean she’d arrive then- so be aware- but all went brilliantly and she is perfect 💞💞. Good luck 🍀..
5 months ago I had a footlin breech, at the time I knew my baby was breech but drs didnt think so. So all natural vaginal delivery with no pain relief, she was 7lb5oz and tbh think she was easier then my other two babies.