An important deadline has passed. A couple who are old work-colleagues and friends-of-friends had announced they were expecting a baby about 2 months before I became pregnant. He arrived on Thursday. This now makes it real for me; I’m next…!
So I've been thinking of starting a blog for a while, but wasn't really sure a pregnancy blog would hold that much interest for the majority. Don’t want to become a Baby-Bore. I figured it’s more likely to be of interest to people on this site than anywhere, so this is where I’m at:
1. For reasons far too long-winded and private, I have spent most of my adult life thinking I would never have a baby. Totally compounded by the two years TTC, and to the point where I got myself a new job with better money to help fund some more fun stuff like moving house and holidays and dance lessons ‘instead’. As it happens, it would seem the moment I got the job and stopped trying…well, you know the rest. Or I wouldn't be here now. You read about this all the time. I am a text-book case.
2. Apart from having to switch Midwife to one who I felt would actually take care of me, and some anxiety issues with a couple of trips to the MAU in trimester 2, I think it’s fair to say I have had a smooth ride thus far. I hope I am not tempting fate by writing it down. Too bad if I am. I was nauseous, not physically sick, have kept healthy due to my body wanting me to eat tons of fresh fruit (which I usually don’t like) and veg (which I do), and so far nothing has swollen except my, now more ample, boobs! The internet will give you a list of all the possible symptoms, which I read at the beginning, expecting a glorious cocktail of all of them. So far, so good.
3. Over the past week and today my husband and I have been doing some more prep-work in the house in general and in the baby’s room-to-be. Over this time I have witnessed him do plastering, painting, carpentry and plumbing. Proper grunty man-work. Yet my favourite was today when I watched him very delicately sew press-studs onto the Moses Basket to make the hood stay up. And not lose the plot completely when he realised he’d sewn the same bits of the two different press-studs in line so they wouldn't work. This is where we’re very different. And it’s a blessing.
4. I’m now thinking about labour. Well, have been for a bit. But when you struggle to accept there’s a real-live baby inside you at first, worrying about how it’s going to get out isn’t really up there at the top of the concerns list! So why should it be now? I have surprised even myself with this attitude.
5. I finished training for my new job on Thursday 28th. I now have only 11 more work get-ups after the Easter weekend before I start Maternity Leave. This is a strange thought, as this will be the longest time I have not been to work since I was 18 years old. Yet something tells me even this cannot have prepared me for the work that is coming my way in approximately eight weeks’ time…