Where to start... well, atm I'm 19+5 weeks and my hormones are flying everywhere. I work in a shop, not a glamorous job, but it brings the pennies in. I've just put in a request not to do anymore overtime as i can't take it any more to be quite frank. I feel like I'mtaken for granted in my job, as I'm always picking up the pieces. I'm never late, and hardly ever sick. Thank goodness I have a week off next week. That's the one thing getting me through.
Its not just work getting to me though. I try to keep the house clean, i do dishes everyday, i hoover, i dust, i do laundry and whatever else needs doing but it doesn't make a difference. I try talking to my partner about it, but we end up arguing and i have to walk away before i get into too much of a state. He works too but he's not the hormonal pregnant one. He's more interested in his fishing than cleaning. Don't get me wrong, he's a great guy, we have been together for nearly 5 years, and i love him, but when it comes to the house work, he is so lazy. I even moan to his family about it but he just ignores it. I repeat myself all the time and its driving me crazy. He's already a father to a sweet 6yo boy, and he does anything for his son. I know he will be a great dad to ours too but i don't want him taking me for granted. I feel silly writing all this but to be honest i don't have many people i can talk to. As much as i love my mother, i don't always want to talk so personal with her. And friends....i probably meet up with one every couple of months, so there is no real connection to start pouring my heart out when i do see them
Money is quite tight too. Trying to be debt free for when baby arrives is hard. I also need a hair cut, which is really getting to my self esteem. Haven't had one since January! Is now June! Plus I'm getting quite bumpy now and I'm desperate for new clothes. All these little things are all really getting to me, and obviously i can't sleep tonight. Too much to think about. As well as the normal stuff like body image, labour and birth, and also worrying that nothing will be ready when baby is due. Thinking too much! One of the good things is that baby has started kicking and i love it. Considering i spent the best part of 3 years trying for this baby, and now that its happening, so smoothly (atm at least) something has to go wrong i suppose. I'm also frustrated because i don't go out much, mainly because I'm so skint but also because of a lack of friends. Sorry for waffling on for anyone who actually reads this, but as the title suggests, i just needed to vent. Anyways, hope you are all having lovely pregnancies, and don't worry like I'm doing or you will find it hard to sleep :/