Sumtyms ago i asked sum questions as i saw my period bt nt its usual way n was adviced to do a home test which i lata did,some came positive tho faint while some problem is my period for this month came on sunday stopped yestaday n hv been feelin sick since yestaday dt all i can do is to go n wee almost evry one hour,scaeed of eating at d moment as i feel i wuld throw up,i think am havin signs of being pregnant bt since my period showed up am kinda confused dnt know if is preg or sometin else tho hv bin ttc since january . Already booked an appointment wit d doc which is nxt wk bt dt looks like ages to me. Pls can anyone help as its like am loosin my mind.
Is the hope of being pregnant still n... - Pregnancy and Par...
Is the hope of being pregnant still neccessary?

I would do another test, if it comes back positive then ring Ur Dr and explain what has happened, I'm sure they would bring the app forward!
Kk tanx. Wil do d test again....really pray its postive cause its nt funny at all really feeling sick n havin headache at d moment despite d fact dt am i just woke up frm slip n am xtremely tired bt i noticed my nipples n d darker part is itchin me seriously
This happened to us, wife started bleeding early on in the pregnancy and loads of stuff online points out to it being a chemical pregnancy.
HOWEVER, we are 8 months pregnant now.
We felt like we were clinging on to too much hope and uncertainty, oddly we decided to think the worst (that the pregnancy was as a false alarm), and we were then able to relax. Still did tests till the line got darker and darker and went to the doctor and arranged an early scan.
Did anoda test last nyt saw nothin bt wen i checked it again dis it came out faint. Can dis be a positive sign ?
Sounds like implantation bleeding. If your unsure about results, try a digital test. Or go to your doctor.
U can only ever get a false negative u cant get a false positive . When I 1 st took my test it came out really faint and I was 2-3 weeks . It come out faint as u r not far enough for ur hormones to be high enough for the test to pick it up strong enough if it is faint u r pregnant congrats but book appointment with the midwife straight away u could have implantation bleeding good look and congratulations :))
Tanx all...booked an appointment with d doctor for Wednesday,I pray it's for real as I dnt expect any oda answer than being pregnant ryt nw...