I have been feeling very odd lately.
I have an idea of what the problem is, but I still don't know.
I have unprotected sex a few weeks ago and then again the week after the first time. I took the plan b pill the second time around.
I took vitamin c tablets to try to induce my period and laxatives (I have a slight eating disorder...)
But ever since all that has happened I've been having these symptoms:
-strong period cramps but no period (has never happened before)
-clear to white discharge
-upset stomach (I don't want to eat..)
-strong "fishy" odor (fairly recently though)
-diarrhea (from time to time)
I looked some of these things up and they said all different things, but mainly that I could be pregnant.
I don't know. I'm worried. I plan to take a test in a few days. if its positive, then there answers that questions but if its negative..What could it be?