Hi Im a Care Assistant in a nursing h... - Pregnancy and Par...

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Hi Im a Care Assistant in a nursing home around 7 weeks pregnant finding the job harder. Any other carers out there?

hollie00 profile image
11 Replies
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hollie00 profile image
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11 Replies

WOW! i could only imagine how difficult it could feel now to be a care assistant whilst 7 wks pregnant. I'm also "roughly" 7wks pregnant with my 2nd child & running around my son who is pre-school age so i'm guessing they're simular in demands.

try to get little bits of rest in when you can.


DrFluffy profile image

I'm a doctor - 20 weeks, on day 7 of a 12 day stretch - knackered! Come Friday I'll have worked at least 132 hours without a day off! Next week will be the killer though - 12 shifts in a row, finishing on 4 x 13 hour night shifts! :-/

cheekymonkey3791 profile image
cheekymonkey3791 in reply to DrFluffy

Veterinary nursing brings the same! I used to do 10 day leg but since preggers, I limit to 7, I am on day 3 of 7 and feeling shattered already, roll on Monday. Doctors work crazy hours! I don't envy you, it cannot be healthy X

DrFluffy profile image
DrFluffy in reply to cheekymonkey3791

I am sooo tired! Just got in, going to eat, have a bath and go straight to bed! 8.30am - 10pm shift tomorrow, the 8.30am - 5pm (so realistically til 7pm!!) Friday then two whole data off!!! I am not ashamed to say I intend to do nothing but sleep!!!

flyingkites profile image

Hi Clare, I was working as a health care assistant on a surgical admissions ward when I was expecting my 3rd child and yes I also found it so hard and unfortunately even when the morning sickness and tiredness left me I found it quite awkward doing a lot of the jobs with the bump and was shattered after shifts, I only worked part time and started doing long days to get it over done with for the week and as my other children were at school I could then rest. I did find my work colleagues very supportive I hope you find the same support at work that I did, I don't envy you it is a tough job to be doing pregnant. I'm currently 17 weeks pregnant and almost everyday say thank goodness I'm not working in the hospital this time I don't think I would cope. You are doing a valuable job stay positive and get loads of rest when your not working if you can!

And to the doctor who posted you have just made me feel completely worn out just reading about your shifts and I will think of you daily as I struggle to just run a house at the moment whilst your doing shift after shift, oh I feel pathetic for my struggling after reading your shift schedule.

Sijaali21 profile image

Hi Hollie00,I am 7 weeks pregnant too with my second child and I know exactly what you are going through? Just make sure you avoid any heavy lifting if you can? Not sure if you have had a risk assessment done? Perhaps this would help as your manager should be to put measures in place for you to work safely? I used to do longdays too! And thank God I don't anymore in my present job. Good Luck.

LunaD profile image

I am a staff nurse in a busy acute hospital ward and I found the whole of my pregnancy a bit of a struggle! Was off a bit in the first trimester with morning sickness and I was supposed tostay on until 35 wweeks, which I can't imagine! I left early, initially because of a bereavement but also I realised I wasn't coping. Felt so slow and heavy and my hips hurt trudging up and down the ward. I don't think the stress and the twelve hour day and night shifts was good for me or the baby. Plus some staff were supportive but some others weren't and I was made to feel lazy when I was just exhausted! Anyway I ended up going off sick due to bereavement at 31 weeks and then taking maternity leave at 32 weeks. My colleague is due around the same time as me though and because she didn't have any holidays left she is expected to work until 37 weeks! I can't imagine doing such a physical job until then. I actually don't think it should be allowed but us care workers put up with a lot :(

Hawa11 profile image

I feel ur situation, I had been a carer in the past n had 3 miscarriages whilst on the job, decided to pack it in. If there is a history of miscarriage I'd advice see ur dr n maybe work manager about having a sick leave and then an early maternity leave with the promise u will get back to ur position, remember to have any agreement written down n signed by ur line manager.

Good luck.

G-Louise-123 profile image

I'm 7 weeks pregnant and I work nights in a nursing home, I do 72 hours a week 5-6 12 hour shifts a week, sometimes 16 shifts in a row, I'm having a risk assessment done Monday and cutting my hours down! I know how you feel I'm constantly tired and could sleep all day and all night! Congratulations anyway! 

l_samantha profile image
l_samantha in reply to G-Louise-123

How did you cope? how long did you hold onto the nights?

I am 6 weeks now, doing 44 hours and nights. it's really tough as I have to get people up in the morning. I am at the verge of quitting but I have bills.It's too tough.

Annh17 profile image

I’m a healthcare assistant in a care home for dementia and I didn’t tell any of my work colleagues till I had my 1st scan, by then I was 13weeks. I was very careful of what I should do and how to do things, if I struggled I just made an excuse so I could get out of it. As soon as their knew, risk assessment was given straight away and I’m not doing any moving and handling. I do days and nights, which is difficult for the body clock. I’m 21 weeks now and am finding things more of a struggle such as bending down to put socks on/off and things like that. But I have amazing colleagues who will help out when needed. I suppose I’m very lucky so far, have been okay with the work load. I would say it will get better, but everyone is different, the 1st 3 months is so difficult as you are more aware of how dangerous 1st 3 months are,

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