i am 25 weeks on and have not felt my baby move yet is this normal any advice
25 weeks no movement felt: i am 2... - Pregnancy and Par...
25 weeks no movement felt

It definetely sounds worrying, some babies tend to be more active during the night time. Or sometimes it could depend on how active you are.
Neverless i would be also be concerned if i were 25 wks & couldn't feel any movement
. I remember a midwife telling me "when i was pregnant in 2008" if in dougt try drinking ice cold water & that should give the baby a Lil shock.
MOST (ie NOT all) women feel movements by 25 weeks - have you got a midwife appt soon? She will listen to the baby's heartbeat with a doppler then and you can express your concerns. Or you can go to your doctor to do this or you can call the self-referral unit at the hospital, who may refer you for a scan that day. They really do encourage you to do this as they don't want you worrying. It could be because of where your placenta is and where your baby is. They sometimes face inwards (maybe giving you backache!) and then you can't feel them move. This can only be spotted with a scan. The ice cold water or coke, then lying quietly on your left side for an hour might work, but they usually recommend this for when you have felt your baby moving and then you think it has stopped moving for a long time. So it might not work for you and you shouldn't panic if it doesn't.
Go to your gp ASAP and get the heartbeat listened to. I'm 24 weeks and have a placenta at the front but I do feel baby move alot, but baby does have hours of being quiet!
Maybe you think you haven't felt anything, but maybe u have, my baby feels like bubbles or gas popping, quick movements like when your tummy turns over, kicks, pressure!
I feel baby only when I'm resting. Very rarely if I'm rushing around.
Good luck xxx
That's not totally unheard of - if your placenta in ante ripely effaced (i.e at the front of your uterus) or if you're carrying a bit of extra weight, you might not feel bubba. A lot of people mistake foetal movements for gas/constipation/any other thing - these sensations can be really subtle. Also, bubba is only about 26 cm long, making it's little arms about 4cm and legs 6cm - it's not going to be 'hoofing' you like a professional footballer just yet.
If you're worried, ask your midwife to use a sound Doppler to hear babies heartbeat xxx
Baby may be sitting more into ur back, some people don't even know they are pregnant till they give birth! Plus if its ur first then it takes along time took u work out the feeling, but do get it checked, let us know how u get on x
Does it mean uve not felt any movement at all since u became pregnant? if yes then i think u shud go and see ur doctor and be checked it is better safe than sorry . Let the Doc listen to the heartbeat or better tell u to do a scan to knw exactly why u've not been feeln any movement.i knw ur baby is fine he might be moving without u noticing it, but let ur Doc reassure u that all is fine.I wish u Goodluck in ur pregnancy.
I think you should get in contact with your midwife. Its sounds worrying. The baby should really be active at 25 weeks.