I know this sounds daft but just want to be sure before I tell my partner!!!
I have just taken a hpt and there is ... - Pregnancy and Par...
I have just taken a hpt and there is one strong line and one very faint'is this still a positive result

This is what happened to me (I'm 21 weeks now), when are you supposed to come on your period?
I tested the day before I was due and had a faint line for approx 2 weeks (I think I did 7 tests in all, lol!) but if there wasn't a pregnancy detected, the hormone wouldn't show up I don't think....sounds like you might be to me!
Have you referred to the packet instructions or done a test at different time of the day? Maybe that might help?
Good luck either way x
I think so, this happened to me too and I am now pregnant with twins
Hi. This also happened to me. A line is a line no matter how faint. Congratulations x
Try clear blue I tested 2 days before period due it told me I was 3 weeks pregnant said the same on all 3 test lol but had to b sure
Also happened to me, I'm now 20 weeks. If you are not convinced try again in a couple of days with your first morning urine so can see if the line is more visable.
this happened to me too, i ended up doing 8 tests, and now i'm 35 weeks. a line is a line, so congratulations
My first test was like that. I did it in the middle of the day. When I tried again five days later with first wee if the day WHAM, twov strong lines instantly.
A nurse told me that you can't get a false positive like you can get a false negative. Any line remotely 'positive' is definitely a positive!
Congratulations! X
Hi that is what happened with me I ended up doing 4 cheap pregnancy tests and one clear blue the first 2 had one very strong line and other was faint i still wasn't convinced i done the tests at different times of each day i then bought a clear blue as I know they never lie and i am now 15 weeks 4 days pregnant and due in may if you are still uncertain about the test i agree with everyone do a few more tests or for more reassurance make an appointment with your gp and show them the tests they can confirm it or do a test for you there and then and then they can set the ball rolling for you to see your midwife. hope this is of some help x
Same here, I tested two days before my period was due, I took it as a negative as I didn't read the instructions properly. Tested a few days later and had two strong lines, now 29 weeks! Congratulations xx
The same thing happen to me. i tested 4 days after my period was due and one line was very faint, while the other was strong. i waited and tested again two weeks later and both lines came out very strong. i am now 6 weeks. congrats!
Thanks everyone just wanted to make sure,you've probably guessed it wasn't planned! Can't wait though! I went and got a clearblue digital. I am only 3-4 weeks but at docs tomorrow,thanks everyone