I was due my period Friday 24th, now its the Thursday 30th and still no period. I tested on Monday night (27th), Tuesday morning (28th), Wednesday evening (29th) and this morning (30th), all negative.
On Monday afternoon I started getting lower back pain like I was going to come on but nothing, then backache and slight abdominal cramp like period pain on/off most of Tuesday and now nothing? I usually dont get period pain until i've actually had a bleed, not like this. Drinks also seem to be going through me quickly and everytime I go to the toilet I have slight discharge but nothing abnormal its just increased a bit. I've also been ready for bed by 9pm everynight, but no breast tenderness??
I was on Aciclovir around the time I should have ovulated so not sure if this may have affected my cycle? I've been to the doctor and she said its probably not pregnancy if i've had negatives and a week late period isn't uncommon - it is for me I range between 28-31 days with most months being spot on the 4 weeks
We've been trying for a baby since December and I have heard maybe the HPT's don't always show up straight away but maybe its just wishfull thinking - the doc wasn't forthcoming in suggesting a blood test, I just wondered if anything like this had happened to people and it turned out they were pregnant??