hi All! My lo is 22 months next week. Since he was 1 I have been able to get him down when he wakes up in the night by breastfeeding and putting back in his cot awake in 10 mins. About 3 weeks ago he got the most poorly he’s ever been and we ended up going to A&E. he didn’t eat for over a week and barely drank and all he would accept was boob. Since he has recovered I can no longer put him in his cot awake and he wakes up several times a night often screaming. If I send my husband in he is instantly hysterical and hyperventilating calling for me. The only thing that soothes him is boob. I am having to bring him into bed with me as he is often waking up when I put him in his cot and it all begins again. I am so sleep deprived it’s starting to feel dangerous. Husband could easily soothe him in the night before this and husband does bedtime most nights anyway.
I think this has been brought on by his illness but I have no idea how to break the cycle? Anyone had any similar experiences or ideas? How long does it last?
thank you for your help!