Has anyone bought and used pinard/fetoscope/stethoscope to check on the baby?We don't want to use a doppler.
Has anyone bought and used pinard/fetoscope/stethoscope to check on the baby?We don't want to use a doppler.
No replies yet? I'd love to hear some opinions as was considering getting one for my homebirth.
On one hand one would like to be able to know if the baby is getting distressed, however not having the right experience with using either fetoscope or Doppler could easily lead to incorrect interpretation, sending you into panic mode and leading to unnecessary interventions...
By the way, did you know that there was a study done in interpretation of the CTG with about 60 professionals - not only the interpretation of each person was different but also the same person would give quite a different interpretation of the same graph presented at different time - presumably based on personal experiences that happened in between the readings... So hard to say what the benefit V risks if using all this technology are...