My baby is 6 months old today and I’ve been breast feeding since he was born. I am meant to be going back to work soon and he is still not taking a bottle. Can anyone give me suggestions on how to help him take a bottle
weaning: My baby is 6 months old today... - Pregnancy and Par...
hi, I’ve been breastfeeding as well and had a lot of issues with my baby taking a bottle. For the last 6 weeks his dad has tried to give him a bottle everyday, I think it took at least 2 weeks before he would take anything and then it’s gradually increased and now he’s taking about 70-90ml a time but that does depend on time of day. He’s happiest to take it in the morning which is not usually possible when husband working so he often gets a small one at tea time. I think the only thing is repetition and if your baby is getting very upset then just to give up for that day, you don’t want them to associate the bottle with being upset. I honestly thought about a month ago that he would never take anything but we are getting there so just keep going. I also try not to be in the room whilst it’s happening as that seems to distract him. We’re using the medela bottles that he seems to like more than normal standard bottles, seem to mimic the breast better. Good luck!
thank you so much I’m going to try this. I’ve ordered the modela bottle. I’ve been trying the Tommie Tippie bottles. I’m definitely going to try what you said
Hi Islandgirl, is it you that is trying to give your little one a bottle? If so I would suggest getting someone else to try giving bottle while you are out of the room as if little sees you they will just want boob instead. My little one is 3 months we had to introduce a bottle when she was 2 weeks old as she had tongue tie and was not getting enough from my breast. Tongue tie got fixed at 3 weeks and now she just has one bottle of breast milk a night from my husband. She will not accept a bottle from me every time I try she just slaps it out of my hand and trys to get to my boob and if she can see me when hubby is giving bottle she pushs it from her mouth and stares at me. I guess why take a bottle when you can get fresh from boob! Also if the bottle is not warm she will refuse it. Good luck x
my mom and husband have tried giving him the bottle. I’ve also left the house and went out and when I come back he is screaming the house down and hasn’t taken it. He has started taking in some solids but not large amounts and he typically wants milk straight after taking in solids. I will try a new bottle.
He takes water in a sippy cup but still doesn’t take milk lol
Hi. I had the same issue and had to return to work at 6 months. I tried every trick and different types of bottles etc, but she would only chew on the nipple and not actually suckle. I had no choice and sent her off to daycare with bottles and expressed milk and to my surprise from day one she actually had milk at daycare (not a lot, only 30ml to start and even after 3 months only has 90ml max twice a day). If your baby is hungry enough and your not there they will give in. I can only get her to take milk from a spout cup at home and she will hold it herself a take little sips, but she prefers to breastfeed 100%. Don't be surprised if your little one will want to nurse more at night to make up for what they are missing during the day and will eat more solids and start to have water at daycare. Good luck!