I hope this isn’t too much information..
I’m 37 weeks pregnant tomorrow and for around 5 days now I’ve been getting braxton hicks which isn’t anything out of the ordinary. Yesterday I felt really not myself and actually threw up on the morning and just overall didn’t feel quite right all day, and could not get comfortable whatsoever! I had an early night, however during the night I was woken at 4am by strong period like cramping and back pain, I at first thought i might be going into labor as they were travelling all around my back but they didn’t progress to be worse and at around 6am I finally managed to fall back to sleep. I woke up around 9am and they were still coming but not strong and they aren’t frequent and are more uncomfortable not painful. The past week I’ve been getting a very large increase in discharge (TMI sorry) I know this is common during pregnancy but I wasn’t sure if it could actually be my mucus plug coming away? It’s filling a liner. Just wondering if any of these are any signs anybody has experienced of labor? At the midwife for a growth scan Wednesday so will get confirmation then however just wanting some advice!