Hello, I lost my mucus plug on saturday night. All day I had bad cramps but thought it was due to doing too much. The other half took me to hospital on the advice of the midwife as the pains were getting stronge . They said that I am not in labour and didn't actually put my mind at ease just rushed to get me out the door. Ive been reading up a lot about it and its said that a show can mean labour starts within the next few days to a week. It has also said that some women do loose their plug and it reforms. I was just wondering if anyone has experienced this as I'm honestly very panicked. I'm still having the low stomach pain and back ache I am just so panicked! Help me please xx
Mucus plug at 29 weeks?!: Hello, I lost... - Pregnancy and Par...
Mucus plug at 29 weeks?!

I had this with my pregnancy last year at 29 wks. Went to hospital as I was getting pains and was really panicking but all was ok and they sent me home. I continued to have the pains pretty much till I delivered 3 days gone due date! I'm currently 31 +4 days now and have had some loss of mucus but I am determined to keep calm about it. Baby's due Christmas day but think she'll come late also. I would try not to focus on it too much, I have had to do this cause there's always some kind of pain I'm feeling. I think I'm just used to it ☺
Just keep in mind real labour pains should be regular and definitely get stronger, mine strengthen but aren't regular. I hope you get more posts to ease your mind. .. good luck x
Hi becky, I had this with my pregnancy. I was supposed to be induced and therefore I had 3 sweeps. I lost my mucus plug on a Friday and had some aches and pains. The midwife at triage said that I was still not into active labour. I had another sweep on the following Monday and went into labour only in early hours of Wednesday morning. So don't worry and relax.....u will meet the little one soon. Labour will start when u get 3 contractions in 10 mins and trust me they are not like the aches and pains that we get.....much worse. Good luck with everything
Hi becky, I had this with my pregnancy. I was supposed to be induced and therefore I had 3 sweeps. I lost my mucus plug on a Friday and had some aches and pains. The midwife at triage said that I was still not into active labour. I had another sweep on the following Monday and went into labour only in early hours of Wednesday morning. So don't worry and relax.....u will meet the little one soon. Labour will start when u get 3 contractions in 10 mins and trust me they are not like the aches and pains that we get.....much worse. Good luck with everything
SSKhan was this all when you were 40 weeks? Josey78 thank you for your experience I'm just very worried I feel really uncomfortable and strange today. I'm still getting the pains and I'm going to monitor it. It's making me panic as this is my miracle baby as I have endometriosis and was told I wouldn't have children. I'm just scared and the pains and horrible my back hurts I feel awful and I don't know what to do. Sorry for the mess of a comment I'm emotional and abit scared for her xxx
I had this with my first pregnancy, I lost mine at 30weeks the hospital said all was fine, a week later I had my little girl, the hospital was still trying to say I wasnt in labour even when I was in pain on the floor when they finally checked me her feet were hanging out (she was breach aswell) I am now 19weeks pregnant and hoping not to go threw this again mostly the trauma the hospital caused me. So I would keep a eye on yours I was in real bad agony with my back the whole week up to delivey
I feel like I don't know what to do. I lost more of my plug last night but I don't know if the pain is related to my endo. I want to go and get it all checked out but I just feel like the fob me off for it being my endometriosi . This is the second night ive been awake in agony my stomach is spasming and gets rock hard.but I feel like the hospital said on saturday everything is normal so I'm really confused on what to do?? Xxx
Could you please find me on Facebook beckyy hopee. As I need some advice and to talk to someone because I'm truely panicked xxx
Thats exactly how I was they just fobed me off the whole time. I would definitely speak to midwife just try to express your concern see if they will listen look into it a bit more. Ano its hard and your going to worry ano how you feel but try not to get even more distressed. Im not on fb anymore love sorry xx
Just got back from another day in hospital and discovered that as well as my endometriosis I also have something called SPD!
Hi beckham, it all started after 36 weeks. I had severe spd and my midwife referred me for physio. They gave me A belt and showed me some useful exercises, this was when I was 28 weeks. Towards the end the spd was worse and I was using a crutch....don't worry once the baby is here it will all settle in. Be strong keep the faith.