Hi, I’ve done so much reading and have asked my midwife on my last appointment - but still not sure what is normal! I’m almost 37 weeks pregnant and the last two days have had really bad lower back pain only on right side (like a sciatica pain). Lots of hiccups from baby and Braxton Hicks during the evenings and really bad sleep up every hour. Also the last day I’m waddling not walking anymore and can’t bend down at all. I went swimming earlier as thought would help the aching which it did and was relaxing! Then as I was walking a few hours later I felt like water was coming out but was just a small amount. Now this evening the Braxton Hicks are getting tighter and more regular but more painful like cramps. Also I need the toilet all the time 2/3 times an hour. . Can this be slow labour or is this due to be baby just moving lower? As it’s my first so hard to know! Don’t want to worry but feel really different today. Any previous experience or advice would be greatly appreciated xx
Early signs of labour / help! - Pregnancy and Par...
Early signs of labour / help!

It's hard to say, I mean I had really bad back pain at 37 wks. As for the trickling of water and your braxton hicks getting closer together and stronger, I'd contact your midwife xx
I have been like this for a couple of weeks and still no sign I thought I had water come out but they tested me by checking the cervix and using a swab to see but it turned out it was just more discharge but if I was you I’d ring your midwife or hospital and tell them what’s happening and say to them you want checking over Hun it’s what they are there for xxx
If you suspect your waters are leaking you should go to hospital. Broken waters for more than 24h without actual delivery increases yours and baby's risk of getting infection. It's better to be safe than sorry.
Everything sounds fairly normal apart from water trickingly. Worth checking out. It's normal to be anxious but when you are in labour aka proper labour you will know as contractions get pretty strong...
Thanks ladies. Maternity unit said to see my midwife tomorrow as there has been no more water or strong contractions like Roxanna said. Must just be strong braxton as they are bareable although cramping is uncomfortable. I will keep an eye on it. Trying to keep cool this heat and so swollen! Xx
Hi yes movements and strong ones that make me jump a bit sometimes! What are back waters? She said nothing to be concerned was not my waters and as not had contractions nothing to worry about. My bump definately dropped which is so exciting!!! Getting really vivid dreams now too (when I manage to sleep) lol x
Apparently Hun we have back waters and the front which are the most important ones ! As long as they’ve not gone your ok. Glad the little one is doing well and you are too. Not long now xx
I didn’t even no that! Learning so much all the time! Thank you! Are you expecting or just have the one? It’s so exciting counting down the days till I finish work too!! Nursery is all sorted and all his little bits so can properly relax once work is done x
I’m actually 6 days late hun but been too scared to test at the moment due to having a missed miscarriage last August with twins , so I do need to test ASAP !!
All pregnancies are different, but I still learn now and I have 3 daughters lol !! When do you finish work? Xx
Awww sisi I so want to know, but I totally get why you don’t want to do a test x
I’m in Girls xx
OMG really???!!!!! Yessssssssss CONGRATULATIONS I’m sooooo happy for you xxx
Brilliant news. I knew it hun. So pleased for you, 💝💝😘😘
Thankyou my lovely I’m so happy but still so nervous, but I suppose what will Be will be just hope the lo sticks all the way! Thank you for sticking with me xx
Your gonna worry hun it's natural after what you've been through. Just make sure they monitor you and I hope and pray this one sticks you so deseve it. I still worry now hun. It's hard but we'll get through it. Don't thank me hun it works both ways. Lots of love to you and your bean 💝😘💝
I will go and book in with the midwife tomorrow and await appointment and keep taking all my vitamins! It’s true about we never stop worrying and all the best for us both.. but you’ve been great and now we can go through this together xx
Really sorry to hear that must have been such a difficult time.
And three daughters wow! You are blessed with them next week and will be over 38 weeks by then
I had just left a job and started this one in October as was an amazing opportunity for my career and then found out I was pregnant wasn’t trying and have been on the pill the last 16 years which is mad. I considered it a blessing though as always wanted a baby as challenging as it has been with the new job as involves lots of travel and I had the worst morning sickness which I thought was due to stress and being run down! Did you stop work before and after having your girls? Xx
Also please let us know if and when you do a test in your own time - all the best with it x
Hi Hun well I always consider myself blessed and last year wasn’t meant to be but there always with me my sleeping angels 👼!! My girls are great they are 15,13,3 years old ! I’ve always worked until about 38 weeks, I worked in a bank with my eldest and went back to work when she was 8 weeks old with my mum caring for her part time then my 13 year old worked for a maintenance company til I was 37 weeks then I wanted a job change so when she was 6 months went into a nursery and worked there , then I went into a support work department for women’s aid of domestic violence and children then went on maternity at 38.5 weeks I was part time I had a year out now I’m training again lol 😂!! I was 20 when I had my first I’m 35 now so hopefully this is my time now ! Gosh so you have a lot of running around to do with the sickness and aches and pains !! I bet you can’t await to finish xx
I will let you know xx
Can’t believe it x
It’s it what I think it is?? Congrats if it is a BFP Hun 😘
Yes thankyou so much x
So happy for you xxxxx
Thankyou so much it’s nerve racking xx
It will be Hun and it is but it will soon fly by and you will have your little bundle of joy just try and keep your mind busy with positive things throughout the pregnancy to stop the thoughts of what ifs and to start anxiety there’s nothing worse xxxx
Yes I’ve been keeping my self active and busy I will just stay positive as I can’t say what the future holds but I’m happy and excited! Hope your ok xx
Ye I’m fine 5weeks left of my pregnancy and I’m feeling it now like, as my son is nearly 10month old and teething, my two boys are little miracles after 10yrs of trying to conceive and 3failed Ivfs I couldn’t be more blessed xxxx
I’m in xx
Wow you worked until late stages bless you! Your pregnant!!!!! Yey!!!!!! How many weeks? Xxx
Hey lovely yes always worked late Hun but had good pregnancies!
Don’t know my weeks exactly as I had two messed cycles x
That’s good I think keeping busy during pregnancy is important! 3 more days of work can’t wait then will feel I can relax properly at the moment my mind is in overdrive! Is that normal? Also did you or anyone get bad sciatica pain on one side due to the baby’s position and if so anything apart from an exercise ball to help? Xx
Just got back from my midwife appointment I have under 3 weeks to go now! She said his back is pressing down on my right side which explains the sciatic pains and sleep issues - going to buy a gym/birth ball she said will help if I sit forward or rock slowly on it! Please let us know how many weeks if you know? Such great news what a blessing 😁 xxxx
Hi sisi how did it go? Been thinking of you! X
I’m in with all you lovely ladies that have supported me xx how are you all xx
OMG congratulations well done xx

Thank you so much I do feel very blessed and happy xx
Sisi did you do anything different this month?

No not really Hun just more bedding for about a week upto ovulation and a week after ! I’ve only been monitoring my cycles since my miscarriage in August Hun which I had a dc ! Didn’t uses ovulation sticks or temp checking. Xx
I’ve just been researching how to increase my chances just wondered. I’m trying to change my diet to be more healthy cut out the crap and lose abit weight before my appointment see if that helps ovulate naturally
you seem like such a hard working and loving mum please let us know how many weeks when you know. Take it easy I hope you have good support x
It’s a blessing and meant to be. Take it easy! I know I can’t wait to relax. Having a day of pamper today nails and hair and pedicure as last time I want to be driving about in town before he is here! Getting all his clothes washed and dried later too so all ready in the nursery! keeping busy in a relaxing way so my mind doesn’t go into overdrive! x
Sisi how you doing? hope your keeping well? And had a nice chilled weekend! two more days of work and under two weeks to go for me!!! So so excited! Back is hurting but I’m sleeping better! Xx
Hey Elibee , count those hours down of work I bet you can’t wait 😊 then you can nest til the bundle comes... I’m ok lovely aching back sore boobs lol and a few cramps but I tested again to double check I am lol still in shock! Xx
I’m finsihed!! Feels so good although don’t think it will hit me for a few days! Back is so painful just on the right side! Did you ever have this towards the end of the pregnancy? How you feeling? Bet you are but it’s such great news!! Have you told your girls? X