Having been having pregnancy symptoms right before my period Nd after my period which on 7 April I went for a scan I was told my uterus is okay Nd fine Nd if am feeling pregnant I might be at my early stage which not be detected by scan yet so I did u urine test on the 26 April I had one clear Nd a faint line then on d 3rd of dis month I saw a pink light blood which I had another urine test it came out one clear line and a faint one again pls wat am having now can it be implantation bleeding Nd how long does it last
Could it be implantation bleeding or ... - Pregnancy and Par...
Could it be implantation bleeding or what please

Implantation bleeding occurs at around the time you would have had your period. It should only last a few days and be very light. If you have taken a pregnancy test and it had shown a positive according to the instructions then you're pregnant. If the line is faint then it could just be that you're testing early or that it's not your first urine of the day so the hormones is not as strong.
Some bleeding can be very normal in pregnancy as there is a lot of changes going on in your body. If you're in the early stages of pregnancy then a scan may still not show much. If you calculate your weeks pregnant from the first day of your last period then you should be able to work out how far along you are. If you're only a few weeks pregnant the your test might not show a strong result yet.
I had implantation bleeding at around 4 weeks and it was very heavy, so naturally put it down to being a period as it was a heavy and bright red. I was so disappointed but then still tested positive shortly after. I also had heavy bleeding at 8 and 12 weeks and I now have a gorgeous 4 month old. Goodluck!!