Hi 👋 I am 5 weeks and 5 days, have been feeling sick all day everyday for 2 weeks, haven’t thrown up but everything I eat goes straight through me. Is this normal?
How long will I feel sick? - Pregnancy and Par...
How long will I feel sick?

I had pretty severe diarrhoea for the first few weeks I was confirmed pregnant. I was on progesterone (IVF pregnancy) but I had not had any diarrhoea for the first 2 weeks I was on it so think it was the pregnancy not the meds, as it started shortly after the positive test. It eased up around 7 weeks. The nausea, from what I read, is extremely variable in how long it lasts. I am 15+4 and the nausea kicked in big time at 6 weeks and it was all day every day. I rarely ever vomit no matter how sick I feel, which is a blessing and a curse! It has eased up a little in the last 2 weeks but still quite hit n miss, and worst in the evenings (I feel like I have drunk far too much every night when I go to bed, which is very wearing!). I found good quality ginger beer and sparkling water really helped, and I also made a big batch of ginger biscuits to keep in the freezer. Much of morning sickness is a weird response to hunger, so having little snacks can help keep it at bay if you don't have HG (my favourite is salty pretzels, and toast is also easy to eat when feeling crappy). xx
Aww hunni I remember this very well. And congratulations to you the exciting journey begins
So it varies person to person how long it will last for, mine stopped at week 14/16. My doctor said it would ease off by week 12. It's all a sign of a healthy pregnancy. However for some mums it can last longer or until the end. But do not worry, through trial and error for myself I found that keeping hydrated helped due to throwing up, I couldn't drink water instead sipped water helped , even sipping water + lemon helped. Nibbling on ginger biscuits , fruit than big bites little and often. Also I had fresh ginger grated into my cup of tea, allowance 3 mugs a day.
Congrats 🥳 yeah it’s quite normal from about 7 weeks it swapped to being sick for me which lasted until about 17weeks. Don’t suffer though ask for anti nausea tablets from the GP/midwife as soon as you can, I waited it out until about 12 weeks trying to avoid meds but they did help (although didn’t cure I could function and eat more than an ice lollie a day!). The midwife said the tablets most effective if start earlier on. I also found bland carbs helped with the stomach upset (toast, baby potatoes, plain pasta). Hope that helps and take care xx
Yes completely normal, I believe morning sickness usually subsides towards the end of the first trimester (13wks) , but unfortunately can last the entire pregnancy for some. Mine was awful, but went away by week 15. You can get cyclizine prescribed by a doctor , they are tablets that help to reduce nausea, that’s really the only thing that helped me. Other things that may help include sucking on boiled sweets, or anything with ginger in it. I know how terrible you must feel , for me, it was the worst symptom of pregnancy. Hope you feel better soon!
It’s really hard to know. My first pregnancy I also had an upset stomach 4 weeks then I felt sick and starting being sick at 5 weeks and that carried on until 20 weeks and the nausea went at 30 weeks.Second pregnancy I felt sick til I gave birth and I was a vomiting til 30. I hadHG though and had to go on medication.
With morning sickness it’s likely to start to get better after the first trimester. If it gets bad and you can’t keep food down ask for GP for tablets x
Oh the trauma of morning sickness, honestly it is the worse! So debilitating and exhausting. I had the same as you, the nausea and belly ache but couldn't really throw up. Although at times, I did it manually with my fingers just to feel better for a while. Mine subsided at around week 8. From week 9 to week 12, it was minor disturbances and slightly less severe. Now, I'm at week 14, it is manageable and occasional so not as debilitating. But honestly when I think back to how bad it was at week 5 - 8, I have PTSD. It was horrible.
You have to just get through it. My poor partner was on the receiving end of all my complaints and he tried his best to support me so having a good partner to give you sympathy helps ever so slightly. Otherwise just no it will get better eventually.
Oh boy yeah I am now 32 weeks along but mine started at week 6 and didn't go away week 17. It's kinda come back a tiny bit in the last week (which I've read can happen) but it's nowhere near what it was at the beginning.