Omeprazol query and formula change? - Pregnancy and Par...

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Omeprazol query and formula change?

Cornish131 profile image
17 Replies

LO has now been prescribed omeprazole (thank goodness) for her suspected reflux.

Is anyone else’s LO (little one) on it? How long did it take to see a difference? What time of day did you administer it?

Also do you just use that or do you use gaviscon alongside it?

We’ve also done a switch from SMA to Hipp Organic.. hoping that may also help 🤷🏼‍♀️😬

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Cornish131 profile image
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17 Replies
AGKG profile image

Hi there my little one was on gavisxon but wasn't working well. So prescribed omeprazole she is is on 8ml . I administer it in the morning. If you put the syringe in to her cheek in mouth they take it better . She is nearly 6 months. Waiting for a peadeatric appt . It worked straight away to be honest. She also has cows milk allergy . What symptoms does your LO have ?x

Cornish131 profile image
Cornish131 in reply to AGKG

Ah my LO is on 2.5ml at the moment based on her weight! I’m unsure whether to give it all at once in the morning or evening or split it 🤷🏼‍♀️ As I’m worried it’ll wear off! And she would scream on every single feed, started taking less milk, wasn’t settling at all, bringing up a lot of acid x

AGKG profile image
AGKG in reply to Cornish131

I would try in the morning x let me know how you get on x

Cornish131 profile image
Cornish131 in reply to AGKG

Well I gave it to her at 5pm yesterday and come 10am this morning she was screaming so I can only assume it had worn off. But the dr said she’s on the amount for her weight 🤷🏼‍♀️X

AGKG profile image
AGKG in reply to Cornish131

Try it in the morning and see how the day goes. My LO is about 16lb x

AGKG profile image
AGKG in reply to Cornish131

I've just looked at your other post. Maybe worth checking the symptoms of cows milk allergy on the Internet and if she has any speak with the gp. I had to research everything myself . But if your LO is still unsettled and in pain after and during bottles it may be this x

Cornish131 profile image
Cornish131 in reply to AGKG

She’s only 8.8lb at the moment haha bless her. But only on 2.5ml daily. We tried the hypoallergenic milk but it made her so sick, it was awful. She was off of it within 24 hours. X

Cornish131 profile image
Cornish131 in reply to AGKG

Spoken to her GP today and increased her dose to 10mg daily so going to give 2.5ml in the morning and 2.5ml in the evening 🤞🏻 X

AGKG profile image
AGKG in reply to Cornish131

Aww I hope it works. Keep me posted x

Cornish131 profile image
Cornish131 in reply to AGKG

We ended up in hospital as she stopped feeding 🤦🏼‍♀️ out of a crap situation I think they’ve actually helped her! Tweaked a few things and she’s a completely different baby and so happy x

Seb9 profile image
Seb9 in reply to Cornish131

That's really good to hear, sorry you ended up at the hospital, glad she's happy girl now xx

AGKG profile image
AGKG in reply to Cornish131

Omg sorry to hear that. But so happy she is better. What have they given her ?x

triplecats profile image

My little one is almost 1yr old now, he has been on it since he was 4 months after being admitted to hospital with reflux. It worked straight away, he was also on gaviscon but that wasn't any good it made the reflux worse. I initially gave the omeprzole in the mornings but last few months I have been giving it at night 1 hour before bed time as he also has to take piriton which makes the reflux worse but makes him sleepy so can't be given during the day. I would advise to try at different times of the day and see what works best for baby. We syringe it on the inside of babys cheek we don't add it to the bottle.

Cornish131 profile image
Cornish131 in reply to triplecats

It seems to work straight away with our LO but it seemed to have worn off before she was due her next lot! She’s on 2.5ml daily, I’m not sure if it’ll be enough but dr said she’s on the amount for her weight 🤦🏼‍♀️

triplecats profile image
triplecats in reply to Cornish131

My little one is still on 5mls daily since 4 months, the doctors haven't changed his dose. It seems to last him the 24hrs. I've also had him on cows milk since 8 &half months, he used to drink only 3 ounce of formula milk never more than that and then one day he just refused to drink it full stop, I tried every different formula milk I could buy but he refused it all, I asked the health visitor for advice and the gp and they were not helpful and told me to just make sure I make all his food with cows milk, he was weaned from 4 months as advised by speech and language at the hospital. I asked my mam what she did when we were babies and she told me that my dad had us all on cows milk by 9 months so I gave baby a little bit to try and he drank it all up. He will only drink cows milk or water, he won't touch formula milk at all.

Cornish131 profile image
Cornish131 in reply to triplecats

She’s 6 weeks old! I’m going to give a couple more days and if it keeps wearing off I’ll call the drs again. I can’t see the harm in a little bit more to get her through the day. Oh that’s interesting to know! I’ve moved her onto Hipp from SMA and she’s taking it a bit better but she only does about 3oz sometimes 4oz at a push

triplecats profile image
triplecats in reply to Cornish131

My little one started out on SMA as I had given my 3 elder kids SMA when they were babies but it didn't agree with him, cow and gate is supposed to be good. I would stay away from the milks that say they are for sensitive tummy unless it is gp prescribed because it gives baby constipation

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