Hi there I am currently 8 weeks with my 3rd Iv only had a girls before and was sooo tired and sick with them, this pregnancy has been so easy so far, no sickness no tiredness infact the opposite, doeS this mean I could be carrying a boy? Or does this mean something could be wrong from lack of hormone fluctuations, should I be concerned?
Boy? Or cause for concern?: Hi there I... - Pregnancy and Par...
Boy? Or cause for concern?

Hi there, congratulations! I’ve had 2 totally different pregnancies and have 2 boys. First pregnancy I had almost no symptoms at all and the second I had awful nauseous.Personally I don’t think a lack of symptoms is any cause for concern. Try to relax and take it easy x
Every pregnancy is different, I was never sick and was really well and full of energy throughout my pregnancy and had a girl. If you've not got any pains or bleeding, hopefully you're just having an easier pregnancy this time xxx
It doesn't mean anything hun. I've got 3 children, 2 girls and a boy and didn't get any sickness with any of them. It's just luck of the draw xx
All my pregnancies have been the same so far, I've 2 girls and will be finding out on sunday what this one is fingers crossed for a boy!
Dont worry! I wouldnt read anything into it at all.Some people have stories of every pregnancy being different, some say their girls were all one way and boys all the other. Some say the symptoms just got progressively easier or worse with each pregnancy. Basically, none of it means anything!
I'm on my 3rd pregnancy now. First 2 were girls, this one is a boy. Theres been no distinct difference that I would say is down to gender, but each of mine has been a little harder than the last. The first had no symptoms except a growing belly. The second had a bit of mild nausea for a while and a bit of heartburn in the last month. This one had worse nausea and a few occasions of actual vomiting and thte heartburn has just started at 32 weeks. With the first I was peeing once in the night, with the second I was peeing 2 or 3 times a night, now its 4 times. But all on all I've had it very easy in comparison to the horror stories some people have!
I find have had to guess I'd have said this one was a girl too, but I'd have been wrong. If I were you I would appreciate and bask in the relative ease of his one (sounds like you have earned it) x
I wouldn't be too concerned in regards to gender I feel your theory is incorrect!
I had a girl terrible morning sickness this next baby a girl !hardly any sickness like before .i had to be admitted with her my boys I also needed to be admitted
.I'm now on my 5th pregnancy and think my body has somehow got used to it but your theory on hormones could be a factor after my last child I developed a condition called endometriosis it made me have more estregon compared to progesterone in my body so I'm wondering if that's why I'm having a better time sickness wise but I will never know!
If your sickness does seem a bit too off though and you experience dizzy spells or headaches definitely get checked out as it can be a sign of misscarrige not to scare you but if someone had told me this when I was having a misscarrige I would have been more proactive and saved my baby I had constant headaches which indicate slow in hormones and I kept saying it was just a headache it got to a point I had to lay down x