Ear piercing babies good or bad- just... - Pregnancy and Par...

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Ear piercing babies good or bad- just for fun post

ReBeCcA-90 profile image
9 Replies

I saw something on this morning today about a mother getting her 4 month old daughters ears pierced are you for or against?

I have a 10 week old and wouldn't dream of getting her pierced so young, my step daughter was 12 when we let her get her ears pierced, I think I was about 10.

Just wondering other mothers/fathers think!?

I know everyone will have a different opinion, but I don't want people being mean if they don't agree with another members post!

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ReBeCcA-90 profile image
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9 Replies

Interesting question! I saw that too. I don't judge others for what they decide to do with their children, we get judged enough as it is! Personally I would want my own daughter to decide herself if she wanted her ears pierced rather than me decide for her when she is too young to protest.

roxannacar profile image

Ahh a post that's not about periods/am I pregnant!! Yippee

I had mine done quite young when I was about 4, but my mum said I was the one who insisted. Sometimes it is s cultural thing where they have they're ears pierced very young.

Personally I'll be waiting till my daughter is older to decide herself. I think I'd worry as a young baby that she could pull the earrings out and swallow them. Also probably go through enough stabs and jabs so might as well give them a break

LHow81 profile image

I used to pierce ears as part of my job. I think it is better with a baby as they are less likely to fiddle with them whilst they heal or to wait until they're old enough to know not to play with them.

KellyTrip profile image

I would wait for my children to decide for themselves when they are older. I was 8 when I had mine done. My mum told me I had to wait until 16 lol. But then I went on so much that she allowed it. I don't personally think pierced ears look nice on a baby. It's a bit creepy!

Nanaki profile image

Nice threat!

I'm Spaniard and forma me isla quite common todo hace baby giros ears pierced while they're still a baby. A pediatrician will make for you while you're in the hospital, some doctors prefer to wait to have the three first jabs.

It's heartbreaking to hear a baby screaming while they have the ears pierced, and some of they they don't even get noticed. I had mines when I was 10 days old and I cannot remember anything.

The 90% of the girls if you ask them are going to say yes to have they ears pierced so I don't see any wrong part of having baby ears pierced. I think is better that have a 7 years old girl touching their ears constantly after they have their new earrings.

But of course this is my opinion and I completely understand and respect mums that prefer do it when they girls are older.

mrsoneill profile image

My oh and I were just talking about this the other day, we personally wouldn't get our lg ears pierced until she's older and can decide for herself. I totally agree that it can be a cultural thing as I do know those who have had it done young and it hasn't seemed to affect them.

Oliversmum profile image

In our family we have always pierced ears as babies - I think I was 3 months. And will probably pierce my daughters ears when she is a baby.

My cousin has a lg and was planning to pierce her ears and just mentioned it to her husband who was completely against it. So they won't do it until she's older.

My cousin now wishes she just took her to get it done without saying anything, as once she's at school age she won't be able to wear earrings anyway other then at weekends and holidays; which can feel a bit odd for a child. Instead of just always used to wearing them.

Baby24 profile image

I got my ears pierced for my 3rd birthday, I loved that I got them done then, as when I was older and forgot to put earrings in for a bit they were already pierced for long enough that they didn't shut!

Natisuka profile image

I was a baby when I got mine pierced, And very happy they did as my mum always cut my hair short And hated to be confused with a boy. I dont see Why not when She Is older If She doesnt want them pierced she can take them off and they heal pretty fast. It Is totally a parents choice, each their own

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