This morning i woke up to light bleeding followed by what felt like suddenly a lot of bright red blood. Called the hospital and had managed to get the last appointment available for a scan this afternoon. We obviously assumed and feared the worst, googling bleeding at 10 weeks is a sure sign of miscarriage. I even searched blogs like these which confirmed my fears. The only difference being I havent felt any unusual pains or heavy blood clots, just my usual mild cramps but with bright red blood almost like the 1st day of your period.
To my absolute relief the scan scanned the baby, wriggling around with a beating heart, arms moving around.
They said I have a blood clot which they will keep an eye on but apparently this is normal and could be reasorbed back into the body, has anyone else had the same experience?
I just wanted to share my story from today and reassure anyone who has had a similar experience to me that searches bleeding at 10 weeks this was my story so far and does not always mean the worse.
I am the worst for googling and searching for reassurance myself so if this can be of any comfort to anyone who has bleeding it doesnt necessarily always mean the worst.