Is it possible to be so anxious about labour that your mind stops it from starting off? I'm 9days overdue now and don't feel like anything to be starting any time soon...
labour mind blocking: Is it possible to... - Pregnancy and Par...
labour mind blocking
Hey there, I’m certainly no expert but I do think there is some truth in that the body moves into labour once the mind and body is ‘ready’. However, at the same time you can’t be pregnant forever 😂.
With my second son we were doing some home improvements and I jokingly said this baby isn’t coming until this is finished. The evening of the day we labour started! Coincidence? Who knows.
Perhaps speak to your midwife about your anxieties/birth plan at your next appt.
Good luck!
I'm not sure as going in to labour is a physical thing... I was really anxious but had my lo at 38 weeks so it didn't effect me
Thanks both, I have induction booked in 4 days from now so eventually it will have to start although I do think that my fear may be blocking it, will see what happens in next few days. I just hope the baby is OK in there as it's coming up to 42weeks now and I'm starting getting worried if everything is OK in there as it doesn't move as often anymore
If your having reduced movements contact your midwife straight straight away and get checked out. Xx
Hi Andia, I think you will find this video very helpful
It's long but it talks about the pressure of due dates and how it can affect when the baby comes. If you can't copy paste the link it's called live q&a dates and it's by the positive birth company.
As Seb9 mentioned though if you have reduced movements get it checked out xx
Thank you that video definitely helped. I'll try to take advice from it and relax more coz it might be that I'm stressed by knowing of induction day approaching so fast and it makes me feel anxious. At the minute baby movements are still there but not as intense as they used to be and I think it might be due to the fact that I tried to cut off on sweets and chocolate which makes them move a lot more they say 🙂