C Section Questions! : I know there... - Pregnancy and Par...

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C Section Questions!

Solly-44 profile image
22 Replies

I know there are lots of women on here who have had a c section so am hoping to pick your brains.

I’m having an elective soon (although still waiting for the exact date) and am finally packing my hospital bag.

My hospital’s website says we’re likely to stay for 3-4 days afterwards. I’ve heard people are getting home a bit earlier in the current circumstances but want to pack for 4 days in case.

So my questions are...

How many baby grows would you pack for this time?

How many nappies?

Were you up and about and dressed during the day or should I expect to live in pjs and pack extra?

Can I even wear pjs or should I buy a cheap nightie for easier checks/catheter etc?

How many days were you in?

Thanks xx

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Solly-44 profile image
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22 Replies
Noah1981 profile image

Hi Solly Noah was a c section I had him at 14.05 on the Monday I was discharged by Wednesday 10.30 am .On the Tuesday morning at 5.30 nurse was doing my temp check and checking the blood so I asked her to remove my catheter and I was in a shower by 6am .Id pack maybe 3/4 baby grows for each day a pack of nappies and fresh pjs for your self 3 pairs maybe .If your not one for sitting around you maybe home sooner it all depends on the individual you will need a night dress for after c section so they can check you so if preferred get some cheap nighties and then pjs for when catheter is removed xx I’ve been thinking of you hope all goes smoothly it literally takes 5minutes from the time your cut to baby delivery just unfortunately the recovery is 6 weeks and trust me you will need 6 weeks complete rest !! I was /am very head strong and independent and thought I was super women and I ended up with an infection so just take things easy or you will be a life time waiting to get out to push that pram 😍😍 good luck

Solly-44 profile image
Solly-44 in reply toNoah1981

Thanks lovely, that’s all really helpful to know 🙏. I’m really hoping to be out as soon as possible but will try to take it easy when I’m home. I’m not looking forward to the long recovery but my other half’s got a decent amount of time off so we’ll muddle through. Hope you’re doing well xx

Afrohair profile image

Hi there could I ask why you are electing for a c section have you thought about future risks of c sections ?just want to point out that you never mentioned sanitary items like sanitary towels you will need plenty of those.nightie and pjs at least 9 or more baby grows .i would take a pack of the newborn nappies and water wipes I’m on my 5th pregnancy 2 c sections and one misscarrige I have no choice about c section this time x

Solly-44 profile image
Solly-44 in reply toAfrohair

Thank you! Good suggestions - I’ve already packed some very attractive disposable pants 🙈 and massive pads but completely forgot wipes.

It’s a combination of things really but my dr suggested it. She’s happy for me to try naturally but I’d have to be induced, and she thinks there’s a good chance it will end in an emergency c section anyway which my nerves would not handle well! I have polyhydramnios and the baby is measuring above the 95th percentile whereas I’m quite small so we agreed it seems safer this way. Plus my anxiety is through the roof so I think it will help me to have a very set plan.

Congratulations on your pregnancy, I hope all is going well xx

Afrohair profile image
Afrohair in reply toSolly-44

Ok that’s quite understandable then you having a c section and sounds like a safer option.the disposable pants are very helpful I didn’t recover well through any of my c sections my second c section I had to be put into other care as I couldn’t even carry my baby when she cried it was very difficult the first 3 days .I didn’t go out for a long time .

I’m still very early at the minute 3 weeks and hunger is kicking in every minute and the light headedness be glad when first 12 weeks are over as they are always worst for me be glad to even make it past then even lost my last baby at 12.5 weeks so hoping things work out this time good luck with your c section and having your baby xx

Blue1986 profile image

Hello! How exciting that your lo will be here soon ☺️. I just wanted to say that I lived in my maternity leggings for the first few weeks as my scar and there area around it we’re very tender- something to consider when packing,

Also don’t forget to drink plenty of water afterwards to help with going to the toilet. And make sure you have plenty of rest at home. I spent the first day back at home doing everything (cleaning, cooking, seeing to the baby) because I wanted my mother in law to see that I really didn’t need her to stay with us. It killed me being on my feet so much and didn’t help my recovery, but my mil didn’t stay so that was a BIG plus!

Good luck with your csection, try relax as much as possible, It’s over quickly and it’s an amazing feeling hearing that little cry for the first time.

Afrohair profile image
Afrohair in reply toBlue1986

Poor you is your mil that bad !😂I’ve been same when people come over after pregnancy there’s always one annoying person lol x

Blue1986 profile image
Blue1986 in reply toAfrohair

Yep, but she loves my son to bits so I accept her 😄 Oh and she is the mother to my adorable husband, I forgot that one, she did a good job with him so she gets credit there too.

I had an emergency c section. They said I would of normally been home next day but baby had suspected sepsis so was in 3 days. Didn’t realise have enough babygrows plus she was 10lb 1 so wasn’t expecting that lol.

Definitely loads of maternity pads as I found bleeding horrible. Definitely nightie as you normally have a catheter. I would take a spare pillow as your belly feels like a water bed so nice to have some support when sleeping on your side. Leggings for when you go home and big big pants. Also maybe get some peppermint oil/tea and you get wind afterwards and my hospital took ages to say I could have something to relieve it then had to wait for the prescription.

Good luck xx

Emmaxxx profile image

Hi. I had a c section 7 weeks ago. I had it on the Friday and was home Saturday. With all this going on your home is the safest place. Pack a nightie and sone pj’s so you can be comfortable after having a shower. Massive pants!!! And lots of maternity towels not normal sanitary towels. Something nice to wash yourself in too. Obviously a pack of nappies and a few vests and grows. Don’t forget a hat for baby. They ask you to take a nappy and a hat to theatre with you. Xxx

MissSaoPaulo profile image

Oh this has come around quick - so exciting!!

HUGE pants. I had what I thought were big pants but when I ended up having the c-section they sat right on the wound and I ended up borrowing my mums!!! Likewise, any trousers for the first few weeks will need to be nice and highwaisted and you won't be able to wear your maternity jeans, for instance, as you won't be able to stand anything pressing on the wound. Also when choosing nighties etc, bear in mind you'll need easy access to boobs too if breastfeeding.

I didn't find recovery too bad, but you really don't realize how you use your abdominal muscles all the time until suddenly you can't. You'll need your hands free to push yourself up from sitting, for example, so bear this in mind when you settle down to feed the baby - you won't be able to get up again while holding BB!! Avoid deep couches or armchairs or put cushions behind you to make them easier to get up from.

Best of luck hope it all goes smoothly xxx

Take pillow and a blanket for partner. I was kept in for a full week in the end and that came in handy for him but also me as after the c section where I had lost a lot of blood I started to go blue so they wrapped the blanket around me. Take lots of underwear and pads lots my waters broke and didn’t stop going until I gave birth x

Kyell2 profile image

I would have been released at lunchtime the day after the section but for the baby needing antibiotics instead it was after 2 days.

I was up 6hrs after the section and my yoga teacher told me to do the tree stretch and not walk like You’ve had an operation. That advice really helped and I felt fine.

I wore a nightie day 1 as it was easier with the catheter. Then just pyjamas the next day, no one got dressed.

I took 6 outfits for the baby, he wore a vest the entire time as it was too warm and then his going home outfit. One pack of nappies as the hospital will give you more if you need them.

Pack lots of nice snacks, a mini fan and lots of large dark pants and maternity pads.

Wishing you lots of luck- so exciting!! X

Baypony profile image

Slip on shoes/flip flops. You don’t want to bend down to put anything on your feet for a few weeks!

BIG pants that go up to your waist.

I took one packet of 24 nappies and cotton wool pads as wipes. I was only in 24h after the op and recovery was relitively easy compared to what some others have said. I was up and in the shower 4 hours after, catheter was out a few hours after that. If you can stock up on paracetomol and ibuprofen, once my hosp meds ran out I took both for a week or two after.

If you want to breast feed PJs with buttons down the front are great. I’d say get ones with a tie at the waist that are a size or two bigger than you need as anything tight around your belly is uncomfortable.

Also re the disposable nickers, they need to be quite big too as maternity pads are HUGE!

Good luck 👍

TerryNaples profile image

Hi! First of all, best of luck!

I was admitted to monitor baby on Tuesday 8th October, had section at 11am on Wed 9th, and was discharged Sat 12th in the afternoon (they wanted to discharge me on the Friday, but my LO had not passed his first poop yet).

For c-section I highly recommend nighties as it would be painful to wear a pijama on the wound. It’s also a lot easier to get yourself cleaned and changed. A couple of pairs of slippers too, as they can get dirty. Don’t forget flip-flops, a robe and toiletries if you want to have a shower when you’ll feel better. And consider you will have a catheter for the first 6/12 hours at least.

Bear in mind you will change nappies every 2-3 hours, and that you could have to change her clothes at least once a day. So plenty of nappies, water wipes, 2-3 hats, a couple of blankets, 5-6 changes of clothes.

For leaving the hospital, consider a pair of REALLY COMFORTABLE shoes, as my legs and feet were sooooo swollen and sore that I had to send my husband to get a pair of boot slippers for me (impossible to wear the shoes I was admitted with).

LeoDays profile image

I had an emergency c section and has her on the morning of one day and left the evening of next day, pack one full pack of pads, one babygrow for each day and night and one more should be ok and you probably don't even need that. Also pack one best per babygrow. They will give you one Bennie but you may want another one to come home. One or two swaddle blankets and 2 or 3 packed of wipes. How soon you come home depends on you to I asked to have the catheter removed as soon as I could and forced myself to move around so that I could be discharged.

T5697 profile image

How many baby grows would you pack for this time? - I packed about 4 for each day I was expecting to be there

How many nappies? I took a small pack of about 20 however normally hospitals should sell them

Were you up and about and dressed during the day or should I expect to live in pjs and pack extra? I was up and walking around about 5 hours after. I would just pack any clothes you feel most comfortable in! After my caesarean all I wanted was just to be comfy

Can I even wear pjs or should I buy a cheap nightie for easier checks/catheter etc? Before for checks etc you can wear anything you like. Would advise a baggy top if possible. During the operation you will wear their own gown and will remain in that until catheter has been removed. After that you can then wear anything you like

How many days were you in? My daughter was born via cesarean at 2pm on Sunday and I left the Monday morning 😊

Honestly try not to over think it too much. Just pack as much as you can for you and baby. As many comfortable clothes for yourself and lots of spares for baby for any accidents. Good luck!!!

Annh17 profile image

I had a planned c section and was out the next day.

I packed enough for 3 days, I think I packed 3 onesies per day, I took a whole pack of nappies (would rather have more than less)

I had LG lunchtime and I wasn’t allowed too get up till next morning, I was still numb that evening it starting wearing off around 7, but there was no way I would of been able too walk. I stayed in the gown they gave me, but after my shower, I got into comfy leggings and shirt.

I personally would buy nighties/pyjama tips with buttons as trying to get clothes on and off was tender.

I was went in at 7 am and was discharged at 2 pm the next day, I could of stayed in if I wanted to, but me and baby were fine so no need to stay in.

A few little tips- big pants (which will go over wound) same with leggings

A pillow to hold against your wound for in car (seat belt) I was putting a pad inside my pants against the wound, for extra protection.

Take it easy afterwards, do not rush or lift anything, you have had a massive operation and need too look after your wound, get as much rest and help as you possibly can. Also going up and down the stairs the 1st time was a very weird feeling for me, just take it easy.

If you need anymore info, please ask xx

ali1009 profile image

Hey i had induction due to baby not wanting to come at 9 days late water's broke no contractions. 3 gels and then the drip all failed . So emergency c sect was ok and after i had catheter and was in bed for atvleast 17 hours before they let me get up . And catheter was in 24 hours . Id say nightie and big granny pants u woll want these at home aswell due to it been uncomfy. Bet tip i can give is when u get out bed lie onside and gentley push yourself up . When baby cried i just jumped up and tgen had sit to recover cus pulls bad . Also as for baby take in pack nappies wipes if ur allowed to use them cotton wool as they like u to use wool and water where i am . And depends on breast or bottles take in plenty my little one went thru 12 in 18 hours . I had csect at 10 to mid on fri was out at 2 on the sunday . Went on to jave next baby 6 years later at hone on sofa no help so its all good . Also take it easy accept help and keep an eye on scar if starts smelling clean it or ask partber to with salt water and lie down flat intil dry helped me loads and u can never have enuf pads i used materbity anes and kotex black they hold loads and stop u feeling leaky xxx

Solly-44 profile image

Thank you all for your brill replies, I’d better get packing! I’m feeling pretty hopeful I’ll be out sooner than I thought based on a lot of your experiences xx

Abjl profile image

Hi I had my my baby moby planned c section on the 27th may I went in at 7 had my baby at 1.30 had catheter out by 6.30 and in shower same night and home the next day. Think every person is different. But yeah pack more like other people have said just incase I packed for 3 days but only in one night and because of covid I got told to pack extra as my partner couldnt come visit once he left which meant he couldnt even call to drop anything off.

Solly-44 profile image
Solly-44 in reply toAbjl

Yeah that’s still the case at my hospital, partners arent allowed to come and go so better to over pack than under. Hope your recovery went well x

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