Hi, after 4 failed ivf cycles we found out we were pregnant naturally. I had a early scan last week just to reassure us. I thought I was between 7-8 weeks but they said at scan I should of been 7w 3d from my dates, however they did an internal scan and said I was measuring 6w 3d and it wasn’t a clear picture. She didn’t give much information and I felt I left with more questions. No heartbeat was seen as she said the measurements were too small and CRL 5.8mm (I’ve added the scan picture) I have to go back week for a second scan. I’m just looking for any positive stories really, I’ve read that 6w could be too early to see a heartbeat but everything I seem to read leads to miscarriage and I’m trying to stay as positive as I can.
Inconclusive scan: Hi, after 4 failed... - Pregnancy and Par...
Inconclusive scan

Hi Ropa,
Sorry you’re having such a worrying time. From everything I read, the heart starts beating sometime in the 6th week which is why clinics don’t normally do a viability scan until 7-8 weeks so there is no doubt. Obvs natural pregnancies are a little bit harder to date! Try not to worry though, you’re probably just a few days too early. I would get another scan booked for next week for reassurance xxxx
Sorry to hear you're going through a worrying time. I had a scan at 6+5 & heard a heart beat. Dates can be incorrect at times so have everything crossed for you 🤞
Its very common to be out from dates as all depends when you ovulate, my dates where out by about 3 weeks when I went for early scan but I saw a heart when I went back at 5w5d (5th pregnancy) however it happened with my 2nd also and the dates where out and no heartbeat was seen until about 7 weeks! It is very common not to see a heartbeat yet so I would panic just yet 🤞
Positive vibes 🤞🤞🤞
This is the furthest you have come so far and that’s already a great sign 🤗 I went through IVF, and the earliest they would test is 7 weeks otherwise they aren’t really able to tell. Have you had a blood test to check your hcg level?
Good luck 🍀🍀 I believe there is a healthy baby in there 💪
Please dont stress and worry just yet. We booked an early scan with my youngest because we were just too excited, we thought we were around 7 weeks (by dates) but the scan revealed I was about 5 weeks, no heartbeat, and she just kept saying she couldn't confirm it a viable pregnancy and said I should see my gp. I left in tears and really didn't get my Hope's up for good news. I went for an nhs early scan the following week and low and behold there was the tiniest blob with a little beat. I was told it had literally only just started beating and I was around 5 weeks 5 days. Then at my dating scan (around 12 weeks) they said I was 11 weeks not 12.. the little madame grew fit and healthy and arrived 10 days late!!! I think because we'd only come off the pill that month, I ovulated and conceived MUCH later than I'd thought. Theres still hope so just wait a little while before you panic and think the worst. Good luck 🤞🏼
Try not to worry, I’m currently 9w3d and two previous MC in the last year so I was worried a few weeks ago when my symptoms disappeared, went for scan and was told ‘pregnancy of unknown viability’ and they said it was smaller that it should have been for my dates, no heartbeat could be seen. I prepared myself for another MC but had scan 2 weeks later at 8 weeks and baby was there looking much more baby like with a fantastic heartbeat and measuring at the right size for 8 weeks! Don’t give up hope it is still very early x
Hiya, I know how worrying that 2 weeks wait is but I do have a positive story for you. I’m 35 weeks now but at 5 weeks (I thought I was 6+ weeks at the time), I went to the early pregnancy unit to confirm a pregnancy but they classed it as ‘pregnancy of uncertain viability’ because they could see a sac but no heartbeat.
I went back 2 weeks later (which felt like forever) and lo and behold there was a heartbeat.
I really hope you get the same result - I’m sure you will x
Thanks so much everyone for your replies! Really good to hear some positive stories.
I started getting some stronger period type cramps last night and had bloody mucus which I feel is just going to get heavier! so sadly my hope has gone and just have to see if nature takes course x
I am so sorry to hear, sending you lots of love x