Afternoon nap: So my LG won’t sleep in... - Pregnancy and Par...

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Afternoon nap

Annh17 profile image
25 Replies

So my LG won’t sleep in her bed for her naps, the afternoon is her longer sleep and I would love her too go to bed for it now. She’s 13 months, it’s so hard, she just sits there cry’s and screams when I put her down. Have I just got too leave her too it and pray she will grow out of this??!

Anything will help please, she goes to bed in evening no problem

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Annh17 profile image
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25 Replies
Winter_Girl profile image

I have no advice but I'm in the exact same boat. My LG is 15 months old and I'm still holding her for naps. She wakes as soon as I put her down, or just plays then cries if I put her to bed awake! She goes down really well at night (most of the time) but doesn't sleep well through the night. We've just transitioned to 1 nap a day and I'm really hoping this new adjustment will help her sleep better all round.

You could leave her to cry for small intervals, but personally I can't do it. Sometimes I walk out of the room to see if she will settle, but she cries immediately and I can't just leave her.

Have you tried making sure she is awake but drowsy instead of wide awake before you put her down? I'm going to try that tomorrow.

I know it is hard, but you are not alone! X

Annh17 profile image
Annh17 in reply to Winter_Girl

I’m so glad I’m not the only 1, we used to always put her down for naps till she was 8 weeks, then she went through the clingy stage and wouldn’t be put down at all, only at night. At 1st I didn’t mind it, I was enjoying it. But now she starting too break my back and it would be nice to have some me time in the afternoon.

I think she might be going through a leap aswell, as she’s really clingy this last week and will want your attention all the time.

How did you know she was ready to just have the 1 sleep during the day? I still think my LG is little young for it, she still has her sleep in morning for about 45-70 mins. I’m trying to just let her have 45mins hoping she won’t take long to go off in the afternoon.

I always have left her too cry for some time, but it just doesn’t work in the afternoon. I tried putting her into bed 1/2 asleep this afternoon and she just sat up screaming for 1/2 hour.

I just feel like now she’s used too it, she will expect it untill she stops her naps 😮😮 x

Winter_Girl profile image
Winter_Girl in reply to Annh17

I know what you mean about the back breaking - I've had to see a physio about shoulder and back pain from holding her so much, and that was when she was much younger!

So many people tell you to "just enjoy the cuddles", but while it is lovely it isn't practical to do it for every nap every day. Not into toddlerhood. It just means that everything else has to be done when they are awake which eats into your time with them, not to mention them getting under your feet! And it isn't about having a pristine home, I just want to be able to maintain an acceptable level of cleanliness, prep some dinner or go to sleep myself 😂

My daughter and I always cuddle when she is awake so she definitely isn't short of affection, plus I still BF so we have that time too.

It is so hard.

Recently, her morning naps were getting later and later which then impacted on what time she went to sleep in the afternoon. It meant she wasn't getting much restorative sleep in the afternoon because I would always wake her up around 3pm. If I let her sleep later it was taking me an hour to settle her for bedtime at 7pm so I thought I would try dropping the morning nap altogether. We've only been doing it for a couple of days, but so far it seems to be working well. She goes to sleep around 12.30/45 and sleeps for 2+ hrs and is ready for bed by 7pm again. I was willing to let her have a 10 min power nap in the morning around 9.30am, but she fought the nap so I'm just leaving it now.

She definitely wasn't ready any earlier.

What happens when you put your LG down asleep? Does she wake up?


Annh17 profile image
Annh17 in reply to Winter_Girl

She has her morning nap around 10ish, we go out for our walk then, she will then want afternoon nap around 2/2.30, she will either take loads of rocking for about an hour (she just fights it, her eyes are rolling, but then she will start fidgeting) or she can go to sleep within 10 mins and no rocking just cuddle.

If I put her in her bed for nap, it’s hell, she’s sat up screaming crying. I go in there, her hairs stuck to her from sweat, snot everywhere lol.

I suppose we have just got too keep trying, but I hate seeing her upset. I’m just stuck if what too do, last week was lovely, she came over too me put her head into my chest, dummy in and was asleep within 10/15 mins xx

Winter_Girl profile image
Winter_Girl in reply to Annh17

It is a tough one. Like you say, all we can do is keep trying different things. I'm sure it will get better at some point! The world is a funny old place at the moment, so extra cuddles is not so bad. Xx

Annh17 profile image
Annh17 in reply to Winter_Girl

It certainly is and before the lockdown her grandparents would have her 2 days of the week while I worked and couple of other days I would of been out so I planned on driving home so she could fall asleep on car and then I would just carry her in. But with this lockdown on, we are stuck indoors all the time x

My LG would only fall asleep on me at that age. Wasn’t until she went to nursery that she went off without me. Even now she has her afternoon nap on the sofa rather than her bed x

Annh17 profile image
Annh17 in reply to

Thank you, I’m so glad it’s not just us. Don’t get me wrong I love having her cuddles and i can put her on the sofa next too me, then about 30-45 mins she crawls onto me 😍

I think she’s going through a leap and is fighting her naps and being on lockdown, it’s just getting too much for me. xx

Winter_Girl profile image
Winter_Girl in reply to

My little girl goes down for an afternoon nap without any trouble at nursery, but not at home!! She is a little bugger! 😂

kt_11 profile image
kt_11 in reply to Winter_Girl

My boy (2 next month) is the same. Apparently he’s “one of the easiest to get down for a nap” at nursery. At home I still have to rock him to sleep.

He also acts like I’m torturing him every time I change his clothes or nappy but I’ve seen them do it at nursery and he just lies there all relaxed 😡😂

Winter_Girl profile image
Winter_Girl in reply to kt_11

It's so frustrating isn't it?! Normal, I know, but still annoying. We have a battle with nappies and getting dressed some days and I would bet my life on it she is well behaved at nursery!

GemX81 profile image

With my eldest who is now 5, I don't think we ever really got him to have his naps in his bed. At night he was great - no problems there and was fairly easy to sleep train but daytime sleep was always different. As he got a little older he would only sleep in the pushchair but at least I got some good exercise! My second who has just turned 1 is the same. We can't put him down for daytime naps either but is great at self soothing at night. I'm not so bothered by it this time as I was with my first and just enjoy my baby sleeping on me as I know it won't be forever.

Annh17 profile image
Annh17 in reply to GemX81

Yea I love the extra cuddles and always have done, i think where we in the lockdown and I have no help during the day, just taking a toll on me. I’m glad there’s more mummy’s out there that are in the situation as me and babies are around similar age.

LG is amazing at night time and only took 3/4 day’s when we started putting her too bed earlier. I’m glad she’s good at night, would rather that. x

Bakingcupcake profile image
Bakingcupcake LG is now 2 1/2...she only started napping in her cot about 5 months ago before this we had to push her round in pram for ages...but now she loves her bef and goes for a nap really will get better x

Annh17 profile image
Annh17 in reply to Bakingcupcake

Thank you x

Winter_Girl profile image
Winter_Girl in reply to Bakingcupcake

This makes me happy. I have a way to go, but maybe we will get there 😂

Annh17 profile image
Annh17 in reply to Bakingcupcake

How was she when you started to put her down on cot? x

Bakingcupcake profile image
Bakingcupcake in reply to Annh17

Fine actually she just took to it...i think because we hadn't forced it on her and just tried it one day...her cot is now a bed we changed it a few weeks ago and she loves it as she thinks shes a "big girl now"....she used to be a bit of a nightmare to get down for a nap sometimes i would just be pushing her round in her pushchair for ages but i think they just go through stages! You think your getting somewhere then something else happens. Tbh honest we have never forced anything on like leaving to cry for ages thats not my style, if she didn't like something i just left it and tried again at a later date!

Annh17 profile image
Annh17 in reply to Bakingcupcake

That’s what we are like, I never push anything onto her, we are trying to get her too walk at the moment, she’s done a few steps but that’s it, so I’m pushing her she will do it all in her own time.

It is just a stage she’s going through, being in lockdown it’s only me putting her too sleep during the days, so she testing me lol x

Georgielouise profile image

Why don't you lay her on the sofa for naps, my little boy is 9 months and he always has his naps on the sofa . I put cushions around him.

Since she is 13 months she may be starting to cut down on her naps - by the time my little girl was 2 she was down to one nap a day and then 2 and a half she stopped napping completely. So maybe she just isn't tired enough for a nap so therefore is screaming.

Annh17 profile image
Annh17 in reply to Georgielouise

I do lay her on the sofa, once she’s gone too sleep. She still wants her naps in the morning, she’s no where near ready to cut that 1 out. She normally goes too sleep okay in the afternoon, with rocking it’s just the odd occasion where she can take forever. And she only screams when I put her on cot for nap, as she wants too be on me x

Georgielouise profile image

Yes sometimes they fight it don't they- aww they do love their cuddles... I know my little boy loves his cuddles and has to know I am nearby otherwise he cries - I don't put him in the cot for naps yet although I really should start to. I just find it easier to lay him on the sofa with his bottle and sit next to him while he goes off. My little girl just seemed to have so much energy - when everyone else at nursery had naps she would be the only one wide awake playing - and now at 3 she has lots of energy and still doesn't nap and tries to stay awake as long as possible in her bed at night. My baby boy is still having 3 good naps a day and probably will do for a long time yet -

best of luck though x

Annh17 profile image

I don’t think she’s ready to drop her morning nap as after 3 hours of waking up, she’s rubbing her eyes, yawning away, dummy in and wanting snuggles, so I know she’s tired and i don’t let her have any more than hours sleep then.

She’s going through a development leap, so I think it’s all too do with that, I’m just thankful that she doesn’t fight it at nighttime and does sleep a good 11-12 hours. So I’m so thankful for that.

Thank you for all reply’s, it means a lot, I think I’m just struggling with lockdown, not seeing family. A nice glass of gin will help tonight lol xx

Bakingcupcake profile image
Bakingcupcake in reply to Annh17

Yes dont drop naps too quickly/force them to more sleep is good!!!

TheBearsInFargo profile image

I know how you feel as I had to hold my baby for all of her naps until she was four months old and getting her to nap was very difficult and stressful. Nighttime sleep was really bad as well. Then we worked with a sleep consultant (Julia Fensom) who taught us a lot about baby sleep and she helped us with some sleep training. The first few days were really difficult but since then I have been able to put her in her cot wide awake and she falls asleep on her own, normally within 10 minutes. It has made such a big difference to both of us. I’m not sure if it would be more difficult to sleep train once your baby is older and it completely depends on what you are comfortable with but you could consider working with a sleep consultant to help you get to a point where your daughter will nap in her bed. You can do a video consultation to discuss your babies’ sleep and you then get sent a plan of action. You can also have ongoing support whilst you go through the sleep training, which I found really useful.

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