Hi ladies hope you’re all doing ok in such uncertain times. My lb just turned one and I just wondered what changes you made at this age? Do you still sterilise bottles or dummies? How much milk do you give? Are they still on formula or have you switched to cows milk? Also do you give them tap water or bottled water? And eating how much food? I’ve focused so much on babyhood and haven’t really thought about toddler life 😂 any advice would be appreciated.... Thk you 😘
1 year old advice : Hi ladies hope you... - Pregnancy and Par...
1 year old advice

Ok sooo... i dont sterilise bottles but clean them in the dishwasher anyway. I occasionally sterialise dummies.
He is on cows milk, 6oz in morning same in evening. He only has tap water.
I cant advise on food as every baby is different but i work on half an adult portion
I stopped sterilising bottles and dummies when steriliser broke, we just then used boiling water.
My LG won’t drink milk, so we give her 4-6oz on with her ready brek for breakfast, she will also have a banana and a bit of toast/crumpet/hot cross. Lunch- cheese/marmite/peanut butter sandwich (milk roll bread) a few crisps
Dinner- whatever we have, (she doesn’t really like meat yet) yogurt for pudding.
She will have an afternoon snack when she wakes up, which will be grapes/cucumber/biscuit
Have been tap water from 6 months, she will drink between 10-20ozs a day x
Ohh I see so she only had a couple of bottles a day. Do you still use bottles? How much milk are they suppose to have at 1? Are you using formula or cows milk and do you heat it a little? Xx
I use a mam bottle, more like a beaker with fast flow teat and also a cup, so she not just sucking all the time.
I think the HV said 1 pint of milk a day is recommended, but my LG is having around 5ozs a day and that’s it, so we make it up with like cheese, yogurts, milk roll and vitamins.
I’ve been using cows milk in food since 6 months, I’ve tried cows milk as a drink and she just doesn’t like it x
I stopped sterilising bottles when we stopped formula which was done at one years old. We just give tap water but if we were out it would be bottled. Food I just go by her really. At one we went to two bottles and went down to one bottle around 15 months and still on one bottle at 2 years old. It’s a whole new territory isn’t it? 😂xx

It’s a whole new world and I want him to develop as normal but feel like I need to change things up a bit lol