I have a near 10 week old baby who was 4.5 weeks premature.
We tried direct to breast whilst we were in hospital for the first week, every feed, but due to latch issues impacting her weight, I expressed from the beginning and have continued to do so.
Although we have tried breast (rather painfully now known due to Baby having a high arch and one round of attempts leading to mastitis and Baby getting oral thrush due to the antibiotics I was on!) a couple of times since, we've exclusively pumped as it had meant Baby could be fed only breastmilk.
This was working perfectly up until 2 weeks ago, when Baby had another growth spurt and my supply just wasn't enough.
I tried increasing pumping but this actually lead to producing less, so I have already seen a lactation consultant who has put me on a plan, but we are still not seeing any improvements despite pumping for longer (up to 40 minutes at a time!) and more often - at least 8 times a day and throughout the night. We're now day 5 of this plan (and Nearly 2 weeks since I've started pumping more often overall) and no change to supply, and actually seen a decrease compared to 2 weeks ago.
It seems to be the right breast that has decreased significantly, from around 3-4 ounces in 15-20minutes reducing down to 1-2 ounces in anything up to 40 minutes now!
I thought best to share as much info as possible, as I'm nervous to have another consultant and another plan, and maybe I'm panicking too early and need to give this plan a little longer, however I also don't want to leave anything too late and be unable to rectify.
I'm desperately trying find some help to see if we can get back on track. With exclusively pumping being a little less conventional it's a bit tricky, but on the flip side can see exactly how much I am (or not!) producing!