Hi there, could anyone help my baby boy is nearly 8 months old and hasn't been himself recently. He keeps touching and holding his ear especially in his sleep. I took him to see the GP who said it was an ear infection as the ear drum was a little red. She prescribed antibiotics but it hasn't helped and he's now started to touch his other ear? Any ideas, could it be teething? Xx
Baby keeps touching ears : Hi there... - Pregnancy and Par...
Baby keeps touching ears

Hi lovely,
Wow! 8 months already
My LB holds his ear quite a lot - our childminder called me one day as she thought he had an ear infection because he kept holding it - but he does it for comfort.
He does it a bit less nowadays (15 months) but occasionally still does.
Does he seem in pain / irritable etc? There was no pattern with ours other than he did it for comfort. So when he was poorly / teething / tired / upset...
Hi Millbanks, so lovely to hear from you 🥰 how are you guys?? He's still happy and eating well, just a little more sensitive in himself as in can get upset more quickly lol that's interesting about comfort maybe its that especially when he's asleep he does it more! He's def teething too xx
We're good thank you! He's such a little star - I still can't believe he's ours...
So glad you're going well too! It's so hard to know, as he could be sensitive because he's going through a developmental phase - not necessarily just teething. I wouldn't worry too much unless he's unhappy.
Hello Millbanks & Littlepeax, lovely to see you both here. My little one also does this for comfort.x Hope you guys are loving this as much as we are. X

Hi starlight how are you? How old is your little one now? ♥️ lovely to hear from you too!!
Nearly 8 months & just turning into such a little person with attitude 🤣
my boy does this when he’s teething! I think they are just confused to where to pain is coming from so they touch their ears. xxx
Hi lovely, I totally get what you mean. My LB is nearly 2 and still messes with his ears and I am always worrying it’s an ear infection. Teething definitely makes them play with their ears though. My honest advice is if it’s bothering you go back to the doctors.
The one time my LB had had an ear infection I kept telling myself it was his teething but one day he just wasn’t his happy self. He is a happy child and even falling over he just picks himself up and carries on but that time he would cry at anything so that’s when I took him and he too had redness on his ear drum. The antibiotics sorted it and he returned to his happy self but continued fussing with his ears xx
My son does this too but doesn’t seem to have any pain or anything wrong with it. I used to do it as a baby/child as a comfort thing. So wondering if it might be the same with my son and maybe your baby too x