Hi ladies... just wondering what baths you use for a nearly one year old. The ones I’ve seen state up to 10 months etc. Baba needs a bath seat but can’t seem to find any for his age? Any suggestions xxx
Baths for 10 month olds: Hi ladies... - Pregnancy and Par...
Baths for 10 month olds

We just put in our bath and bought a bath mat so she didn’t slip x

Ohh ok.... great idea. He’s at the stage where he wants to play more and more so that would give him lots of room 😘😘
I bought a seat for my first, I hated using so sold it. Another vote for just a bath mat- much easier & cheaper!
We have the Safety First Swivel Bath Seat. Just checked the specifications on Amazon after reading your post and turns out it says for up to approx 1 year. LB is 20 months - oops!
He actually fits in it easily though. He’s a bit small for his age but not tiny!
It also says not to use it when they can stand up but given that I’m with him 100% of the time he’s in it I’m not too concerned about that, particularly as he never wants to get out anyway!
Other option (as Hydromermaid-1 already mentioned) is to just get a non-slip mat 😊
We have the safest first swivel bath seat, she loves it. I don’t feel comfortable putting her in bath with bath mat just yet.
Same as Hydromermaid, our bath and bath mat. You wouldn’t leave a one year old on its own so this I feel is perfectly safe and they can splash and enjoy the freedom. Just make sure it’s not deep, just shallow so if there is a slip it would be manageable. Happy splashing x
I put my 10 month old just in the bath, no seat. He seems really happy and we've had no slipping incidents so far 🤞I did buy a BabyDam which literally dams off a section of the bath and saves a tonne in water, plus he never got overwhelmed by the move from baby bath to big boys bath. (they're quite pricey but I got an ex display model from eBay. Must have saved me that much in water costs already though I bet!) xx
om with the others in our bath with a bath mat... my lb been in our bath since 5 months old and he loves it xx